
"You can be a farmer, but you can't JUST be a farmer"….that was actually the speech by Carol. Maybe you've got things mixed up?

I feel like characters have developed well enough. Rick went from being a "do the right thing"/"we don't kill the living" kind of guy but after Shane that changed. Unlike the article here states, he hasn't struggled with being/not being leader over and over again…he's only done that once…this season. Carl, Carol, and

TWD gets a lot of shit for being..well…for being TWD. Success brings on the haters. It reminds me of a little movie called Titanic. It was, for the longest time, the highest grossing movie of all time. People loved it when it was first released. Yet, I'm pretty sure you're more bound to bump more into people who hate

That'd be pretty intense. Lol. I'd rather they play Arkham Horror though.

Love doesn't triumph considering Maggie dies next episode.

Arrow on the Doorpost Redux

So. Any thoughts on who will die next week?

What I got from it was different. I read it as "if the baby dies like this…imma stop watching the show..whether or not Rick and Carl are there to see the circumstances of her death." I assumed he meant he just can't take that level of "dark"

Well he did say "but I won't forget."

Which is why when anyone does bring up a family member or person from the group, the response is just "they're gone."

Tonight's the night. Man. I miss Dexter. The show may have gone downhill after season 4 but Dexter, the character, was still pretty awesome.

He has stated before that he won't stand for the show crossing the line when it comes to children and brutality. It really makes me not take his reviews seriously at all. This is from one of his past reviews.

This episode could really well be one of the decisions made in the game

Idk. I don't the MC was much of a threat…I can't remember this correctly but I thought they didn't know what Tara was up to? They weren't a threat yet.

True. Lizzie being a psychopath was on the nose but then again how else can you demonstrate that this girl isn't right in the head without clues like the ones we got? I did catch something that might've been missed. When Lizzie apologizes to Carol, she apologizes for pointing the gun at Carol…she doesn't apologize for

Hmmm. Good points. Right now the only answer I can come up with is…why the need to check the house before letting Tara in? No one knows Gemma is about to go psycho. It's Tara's house. What danger could be past those doors? And again. Why the need for backup? He's simply escorting a chick, whome he knows well, to her

Damn. I love a good debate lol. I mean if you could convince me that it was terribly executed by showing me how..i'd probably side by you.

They have a whole different team completely dedicated to TV reviews. It's not like video game reviewers review TV shows also. They also don't spend the entire review pointing out what's bad about an episode and give that episode a B. What's so bad about IGN? Would it help if I saw they love Breaking Bad and True

The kid's storyline has been fleshed out since episode 1. How was it poorly developed? We saw her give walkers names. We saw that she fed the walkers, we saw her try to be friends with one in Episode 5, we saw her kill 2 ppl in the midseason finale…here it came to a close. Lizzie and Micha were two polar opposites

Lol. Wasn't Gemma drugged out at that point? And considering how from the start of the show she has been always been about "protecting the family" it made sense. Gemma found out the truth about Tara's "pregnancy" and that Tara wanted to take her grandchild away plus she thought Jax was going to jail because of Tara