The Doctor

I've got to be honest, I'm honestly unsure how to feel about this show. I've watched 3 episodes so far and I mean, I can't say it's bad, or even boring. I've enjoyed most of what I've seen despite some moments of pure cringe but… it's just… it doesn't leave me thinking OH I MUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. It's not a bad

Bruce Dickinson messes up his lyrics quite often, which I quite like actually cause it adds a sense of spontaneity to the show.

My biggest problem with this movie is that it feels so out of time and out of place in the year 2013. This is a film that probably would have been shocking and audacious in the early 2000s but it's a rehash of ideas from similar films like Traffic from the early 2000s that makes its transparent attempt to shock all

Iron Maiden's Dance of Death.