
Actually I think Bellamy Young does bad acting on the show. The scene where she tried to cry to get Cyrus to help her after getting the divorce papers was hilarious. My sister asked if she constipated and was screwing up her face to take a shit.

WTF was this episode? It was boring as hell (almost fell asleep) and nonsensical. Was this supposed to be Scott Foley's Emmy tape? If so, he did not sell it and it only highlighted the fact that he is not a good actor.

Mellie is not interesting. She is boring as hell and is not missed when not in an episode except for her horrendous wigs.

Scandal has become not just ridiculous but actually boring. They needed two directors for this crapfest?

I just realized that Mellie was not in the episode at all. To be honest, I did not miss Mellie and her usual delusional rantings. It shows that she is not critical to Scandal.

After committing perjury on live TV in front of the world, there is no way Mellie can be president unless they rig the election again. Also I'm sure the IRS is interested in that tax-free $2 million payment Mellie made to Jeannine Locke.

I strongly disagree. The cadence of the monologues by Olivia, Cyrus and Fitz were all completely different and in no way sounded alike. How can you say they sounded the same? Did my ears deceive me? These were not Papa Pope sound and fury monologues or the usual Mellie rantings.

Jake does not know Olivia. He knows the person he spied on for over a year. Knowing that Olivia likes extra sauce or ketchup is not special, I eat with my co-workers and know what condiments they like. That is not a big deal.

Okay, I re-watched the episode and I had some thoughts on Mellie.

Maybe Mellie knew of the ring from Big Jerry and from seeing it in family pictures.

How could this review not mention Edison who made a surprise appearance? He is still salty about how Olivia treated him but went on national TV to vouch for her character after calling her some mean names.

This episode sucked. There was too much Cyrus and Mellie being pathetic.Then we got sucker punched at the end with B613. Why Shonda, why are you so desperate to keep useless Scott Foley employed?

"the reason to sympathize with Mellie is that she's married to Fitz, and
no matter how bad she's been, he's worse, because he has literally had
everything in his life handed to him, and all he can do is complain
about it." This statement applies to Mellie who whines more than Fitz.

False, other folks on the show call out Fitz including Olivia (since their first meeting), Cyrus, Rowan, Susan Ross, Sally Langston, Abby, etc. The inept President passed legislation for the immigration reform, gun control, equal pay, police reform, etc but let's ignore that information.

The pseudo-feminist Mellie is the whiny character on Scandal not Fitz. Yet somehow she gets praised for doing nothing but sitting around whining about being bored as First Lady although she dreamed having the position of FLOTUS and refuses to move on with her life, constantly reminding us of her apparently useless

The season finale (actual the entire season) was underwhelming. What was the point of this season? It felt like the show went in circles. The poor supporting cast (Kalinda, Diane, Cary, David, etc.) did not have much to do all season. The ending for Kalinda was anticlimactic - a big build up that fizzled like a wet

That is not Joe Morton's fault - blame Shonda, her writers and directors. He is playing Rowan based on the writing and how the director wants to character to act in his scenes.

Real Power Rankings (not for delusional viewers)

Other women on Scandal have been assaulted (Abby, Olivia, Quinn and Lizzie). Do you see them constantly whining about the horrible experiences they have suffered? Or using that experience as a bargaining chip? Mellie is not special. She is a 50 year old woman who wants everything handed to her without doing any hard

He needed to leave his whiny wife who is the giant f*cking weeny baby on the show. Mellie is always whining about everyone owing her something. She needs to STFU. I was hoping Papa Pope would kill her off next so I would no longer have to see her entitled irritating face.