
Check out this insane alpine slide:

I think that some of the scenes required real water as opposed to CGI liquid stuff …

I still think the worst one is January Jones. There, you can shudder some more …

Maybe "PG" in this case stands for "Penis Growth"?

I used to live in Glastonbury and last time I checked it wasn't in London. Guess someone must have moved it …


Thanks, Jess. Although, that was honestly the point in the show where I thought they would use it. And this is a "sir." :-)

I was waiting for someone to say "don't bite your nose off to spite your face." So, that line caught me off guard.


I'm pretty sure that I saw a few clips of the checkout girl on the season 2 trailer …?

Emma is to Bates Motel as Velma is to Scooby Doo.