
Cali has some gross stuff. We have these things called "Vegan" Restaurants that don't even serve real food.

I love VH and Journey. I just didn't like when VH became Journey.

Good analogy. Early Van Halen makes me feel like I'm at a really great party. Van Hagar makes me feel like I'm in a waiting room, flipping through a year-old "Highlights" magazine, about to get a cavity filled.

I can't believe a professional comedy writer is just giving away the good stuff for free!

If you watch the special, he's fatter than ever. I think he did lose weight recently, but it's all back and then some. He ain't doing fatface.

It's so funny to me the way that fans treat someone's "credibility" as their own. As if David Cross being in a dumb movie somehow made "Mr. Show" reruns less funny.

The fine people of Detroit have not had a chance to watch the Lions host a playoff game since…..1993! I hope they win the North.

I'd characterize the South Park stance from that old episode as, "It's ok not to vote if you don't like any of your choices."

If only Matt and Trey had voted, Hil might have won California!

I have a friend who saw James Spader in something, and said "Hey, it's Hankey." He'd seen that episode of Seinfeld a half dozen times, but otherwise had no idea who Spader was or that he was pretty famous.

Crumblin' Erb!

You're fine, then. I've been there, and know people like that. "Lighten up, dude" is their catchphrase.

56% of Americans in a recent WaPo poll (hardly a RW rag).

Or, Dems can ask themselves (for four long years) why they ran an uninspiring, broadly-disliked, 70-year-old, out-of-touch establishment candidate with a history of duplicity.

If you are the friend that goes around "checking privilege" and policing people's words, then yeah you may want to tone it down.

Americans will almost always resist those who angrily demand a conversion to their POV.

"PC Principal is just as responsible for putting him into power as anyone who actually agreed with Garrison’s agenda."

Parties are amazing. How else do you rock out with friends and meet people that you'll end up naked with? What gives?

But how does it hold up for a guy who was born in the 1990s, hates parties, and has a need to "listen thoughtfully" to music?

I think that since "Animal House" came out, calling someone fratty is calling them a Delta (beer, babes, noise, anti-authority), rather than an Omega (old-money, polished, snobby).