
"Beautiful, needy, aggressive women….."

Or maybe he lost his temper online once and lashed out in a regrettable way, but is mostly an ok guy?

Maybe I'm just too old, but I really can't understand these articles that talk about something that was on television, then pivot to "not everyone agreed, here are some tweets from people you have never heard of."

I really love soft rock. I listen to the Michael McDonald Pandora station all the time. I even know it's lame. I called it "Dentist Office Music" before the "Yacht Rock" series gave it a much better name.

After five years of bands who looked like they were allergic to the sun, sang and acted as if they hated life, and spent their free time nodding off on heroin - it was a nice change. Like the clouds parting to reveal the sun.

He won an Emmy for writing that very episode. Right after winning the "Write a Simpsons Episode Contest."

Providence is fantastic. If you decide to go all out in LA again, check out Melisse in Santa Monica.

Ha, the guy who became a corporation-hating lefty after an eye-opening semester at college. No wonder you don't like South Park, they made a whole episode making fun of you.

Hillary and her campaign gave us Trump.

Sean O'Neal is such a talented, interesting writer. Seeing him write a million words about a couple of tweets is like seeing Roger Ebert write a long review of a local car dealership commercial.

If someone tweets about his or her sex life: bad.

I lived in Hermosa Beach for years. Someone once referred to it as a "College Town Without a College." I thought that was pretty clever.

The 70s Hollywood Hills party from "The Nice Guys" with the beautiful ladies swimming behind glass.

Return of the Mack

The whole Gawker story can be boiled down to this: "Huge Bully Gets Bullied out of Existence by an Even Bigger Bully."

"Tina Fey makes some jokes that are inconsistent with the values I've projected onto her. I don't like that."

If, God forbid, something unsavory happened to a loved one while getting a ride somewhere: I'd want it to be in an Uber. At least there's a digital footprint with timestamps, name of driver, route taken, etc.

Safe spaces are very silly and ripe for ridicule. No, of course they're not the biggest problem. But I'm not watching a show that only wants to deal with the biggest problem. That show would be about Syrian genocide, and not very funny.

Missouri students declaring a safe space in a public area and bitching about people trying to report on it. Yale kids incensed that a Prof thought they could sort out Halloween costumes on their own. Emory students losing their minds because someone wrote "Trump" with sidewalk chalk. Berkeley: "Of course we don't

You can still be a good liberal and think some members of your own tribe are ridiculous.