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    Bottom line: Jeb has terrible advisers.

    Basically he's the guy telling everyone that the Emperor has no clothes on. Most of us already knew that.

    Of course any comic who had been offered TTS would have jumped at it—Dave or no Dave. Giving Jay another chance after bombing was well and good, but if Jay hadn't brought the stuff, it wouldn't have made any difference. That, in and of itself, I don't think made Jay beholding to Letterman to the point of stepping

    NBC was the real cause of the whole thing. It promised the job to both men and pitted them against one another. Again, I don't believe that Jay had an obligation to Dave to step aside for him and put Dave's interests above his own. IMO that media spin came from the Carson worship in play at the time and colored

    My account dates back years, so no, it's not. I didn't realize that there is only room for one opinion on this blog.

    Emotions are not facts, and that's the only thing you're relating.

    I didn't think you could objectively back up what you are saying. Emotions are the only things you are relating. You love Conan and hate Jay. That's fine but it doesn't prove anything beyond that.

    Nope, you haven't. "Backstabbing" is not a fact relating objective events.

    So anyone who doesn't share your opinions works for Leno or NBC? Desperation seems to be setting in.

    What else could Lopez do? The idea that Lopez got the final okay as to whether Conan came to TBS is ridiculous, but that's how the PR story went. Beyond that I was on a blog with people who worked for Lopez who said Lopez was livid that Conan was getting his slot, but TBS told him either he went along with it or else.

    You're entitled to your own opinion but not entitled to your own "facts". You really haven't refuted anything I've said. You just answer by name calling. You certainly have the right to dislike Leno, but IMO it's based on media B.S.

    So let me get this straight. In your mind Leno had an obligation to Dave to put Dave's interests before his own and just step aside for Dave and ditto for Conan. They, on the other hand, could pursue their self interests with no regard for Jay. Interesting but unreasonable.

    IMO you've been brain washed by the media. Not only did Conan pressure NBC to get Jay out of the way because in his mind it was his destiny ordained by God to have TTS show, he then let Lopez be pushed out of his slot for him. If you buy the PR story that it was fine and dandy with Lopez you're pretty gullible IMO.

    You mean kind of like what Conan did to Lopez? Conan's an ass, and his own worst enemy. He got done in by his giant ego. He's been whimpering ever since.

    Sure, sure. In the real world people give up an opportunity for a once in a life time job because their friend wants it too. I'm sure that's what you would do in the same circumstances. That happens never, but that's what Leno was suppose to do. Give me a break.

    No, I don't. Slamming Leno is so original and qualifies as elitist rhetoric…I guess. Although, I can't stand Fallon myself.

    Conan who?

    Just an unnecessary, nasty-assed article. I'm looking forward to seeing Jay.