Elizabitch Taylor

I spent the last 10 minutes just… agog. This show is so good that it's rude. I'm actually so affronted by how good this show is.

drawing a blank at the episode but there's that scene/montage of Jax following that family through a bazaar and Sun Kil Moon is playing and it was really powerful. It always stands out to me as a moment of absolute emotional appropriateness in an otherwise batshit show like SoA.

A Person Who Visits A Place though

I have gotten a horrible, sinking feeling that they have run out of story for Mandy Patinkin and I will be gutted if they axe Saul this season. GUTTED.

I've had mixed feelings about this misfit of a show and in my own way I'll miss it but I will always wonder what kind of show it could have been. It was so ambitious, so grand in scale, but it was never 'oh my god I've got to rush home and see this' tv. I loved so many of the supporting cast (Michael Shannon, my GOD)

during the pilot I was like 'his kids are dumbasses I can see why he wants an escape.'

what if the twist is this is Dominic West's novel he's been writing about an affair gone wrong OOOOOOOH

I really thought Mickey Doyle was gonna be the last one standing, and I yelled to the heavens when he was axed. This show is MERCILESS.

the build up to this miracle drug Bayer had that Thack was going to be injected with for the comedown of cocaine had me nervous but my jaw DROPPED when it was heroin. I am so grateful to be living in 2014.

aw Sonia, congratulations! Upward and onward but your reviews will be missed.

I keep hearing that and I don't know where the rumor is coming from.

in retrospect they could have done a lot more with Jimmy Darmody's story. The void Jimmy left echoes a lot more now than it did in S2 when it felt like that was the right direction for the character. They could've dragged out the Jimmy vs. Nucky storyline on for another season or so.

gotta say coming off the high of the 4th season this feels like they are fumbling in the dark to the finale, which is a real shame.

I forgot all about the maintenance man!

they're sowing the seeds for Bill and Libby's eventual marriage dissolution and I'm kind of turned off by it. They've turned her into this racist shrew (not that we had much to go off of her character in the first season) and damn if it's not deeply unpleasant to watch for all the wrong reasons.

it sounds complicated and convoluted but I figured Bill got it from Virginia from one of her kids since they're elementary school age? But neither of them showed signs of lice.