
*taps nose*

I'd be willing to wholeheartedly support this IF it were radically reinterpreted for the screen and made into a major culturewide event such that this was to be the last CGI-laden scifi/fantasy/genre film ever made. That is to say, they release Ready Player One and then never release another Star Wars, Star Trek,

I prefer the somewhat more limited "The Hunger Games Should Have Stopped After the First Book".

Eh. In fairness I'd only say that about the wrap-up of book 4 and the "Chosen One" arc introduced from book 5 onwards. Other than those elements, they came together pretty well.

"Cunnilingus Is Most Enjoyable; Most Enjoyable Indeed."

Posted this before but: dystopian Columbus, Ohio looks affirmatively more-interesting than current Columbus, Ohio.

Welp, from what I've heard really *nothing* you can buy commercially—no matter how 'non-perishable' it claims to be—should be eaten after 3 years. Heck most *wine* except for a tiny sliver of high-dollar vintages is now formulated with the assumption that it will be drunk within 6 weeks of purchase. NASA's been

Confirmed. As the Count's friend, I want to know.

What was Patton Oswalt's one-phrase judgement of KFC Famous Bowls again? "A failure pile inside a sadness hole" or something?

Bored at a meeting,I've actually tried to come up with the *shortest* possible list of non-perishable foods I could store up large quantities of and yet enjoy eating long-term in case of a total societal collapse. Got it pared down to this:

Oh I loved this book as a kid!

No I'm doesn't!

Half glazed over? Sounds delicious!

I don’t like avocado. It’s green and smooshy and glorpy and it gets everywhere.

Plug for surrealist Mexican novel The Last Reader, by David Toscano.

Are the gifs poorly made or the animals in them being killed clumsily?

fucking avocado toast

"Wait, sorry meant to say 'penis' instead of 'avocado'. And 'suck' rather than 'hold'."

Be careful and know that when you stare into the Shared Cinematic Universe that the Shared Cinematic Universe stares back.

CASTING VOTE: Kristen Schaal for Squirrel Girl