
And that little boy who won the hearts of his fellow smartasses grew up to be… Roy Cohn.
…and now you know, the rest of the story.

I was 'freelancing' with your mother last night Stephen!

Hopefully not, cause we've just lost Rik 'the people's poet' Mayall today… :(

Build a bridge out of him!

“…then later teaches him the ways of amour, or whatever they say in Australia.”
I believe it is technically referred to in Australia as ‘teaching in the ways of the Boot’.

wtf is "Love at the Speed of Sound" lol

I think we're onto something here with Doctor Who stories that need no title change:-
The Savages
Fury from the Deep
The Dominators
The Seeds of Doom
Spearhead from Space
The Hand of Fear
Warriors of the Deep
and… Shada
I'll show myself out now.

You know….the international language?
Love! The language of Love!