
The Dixie Chicks weren't like the other popular country acts from the era though, they had a much more real, old-school kind of sound. It's not half-bad.

It's better to think of the ending of Red having come first, and then working back around to the stories of all the survivors.

I was lucky enough to see this back in January, it's one of those films you have to see with an audience. I yelled at the screen several times out of shock and horror and everyone was on the same page, a ton of fun.

The book burning reveal was unexpected, but yeah, all the Trump jokes are so obvious anymore that it almost feels like punching down.

Twilight Princess throws so many rupees your way, more than you could probably ever spend on anything in the game, that it doesn't seem so inconvenient.

I feel you. Better Off Alone and Rhythm of the Night are two of my not-so-guilty guilty pleasures.

As far as I understand, Bob Evans only offered the film to Polanski so that he would come to the U.S. and offer him Rosemary's Baby instead.

Hell, it barely gets mentioned when Mann is brought up.

Didn't see that someone had already stated the content of my post. Sorry, I don't mean to bombard this space with redundancies.

Not to mention that the only point of having it be 'one take' is to suggest a psychic lens into Keaton's mind. But we're not with him the whole time, so the conceit is basically pointless.

Did this dude really just say the De Palma Scarface is better than the Hawks one?

Which is also, aside from what he's literally saying, maybe the creepiest line reading of all time.

Hey, itsa good movie!

Speaking as someone who actually knows the Anker family, they're all pretty humble people.

You're forgetting that Marlowe becomes entranced with him in a similar way. This passage definitely comes across as a sort of veneration:

Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now? Even if the only connection between the two is Kurtz and imperialist themes.

Yeah, talk about a bunch of regressive trash. This story that was created over 50 years ago should conform to modern progressive standards. We should ignore the context of its time, and not applaud it for teaching otherwise racist people about solidarity, and doing the right thing in the face of adversity.

I'm getting pretty tired of the anti shaky-cam/fast editing circlejerk on the internet, and how people lump Paul Greengrass in with Michael Bay in this context. The Bourne films are some of the best action films in the last 15 years, and Supremacy's car chase is one of the best ever put on film, yet routinely gets

Fuck that's devastating. He really nailed what was so appealing about their brand of criticism, it had the right blend of fandom, emphasis on form, and socio-poltical analysis.

Eh, there are a few points in the story where hearing could have prevented certain situations.