
Minority opinion: I like them being released all at once. I go through them usually in about a day or two, and it's nice to have thoughts on all of it out there already. And you can read them on whatever timeline you like.

Well it looked like he got part of her scalp too. And again, he could go murderous or seriously harmful on them whenever he'd like.

My very white high school did The Wiz. At the time, I didn't even know it was meant to be for the African American community. Not as bad as doing Dreamgirls though, as race is a more explicit part of the show.

I've weirdly always been pro-Valencia. I think it was the moment after she realized Rebecca really was befriending her to get to Josh. She just showed this hurt and I felt bad for her. And, despite the ways she could be awful, she had Rebecca's number.

I think the most this show has ever made me laugh was both times the period sex song was used. Rachel Bloom, I need it online ASAP.

The Greg and Rebecca shipper in me totally understands this logic, but also. . .I want Greg and Rebecca together.