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    Film of the year. Can't wait.

    Keep Fishin' is still my favourite song off this album, as well as one of the best Weezer videos to date: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
    Great at making you feel happy even if its a song about a lovelorn person.

    Tony Scott was attached to one for a couple years in the 2000s - was supposed to have the action relocated to Los Angeles, and would be about real street gangs (e.g. bloods and crips). Real gang members were also going to cast to provide an extra level of authenticity.

    I knew the endings for FIght Club and The Usual Suspects years before actually seeing them. It didn't change the fact that both wound up in my all-time favorites list (albeit briefly) when I finally watched them for the first time when I was in high school

    I was expecting Movie 43 at the top of the list, but maybe people have chosen to forget that one entirely.