
Awkward "Who I Want to Be" or "Redefining Jenna"

Second that. "Iron City" is a better showcase of Fiona and Lip.

Yeah, but I loved that she really made him work for it and also in the books the sexual tension was really allowed to build up until you felt like both of them were going to explode. I would have liked if they had continued the flirting and such through the rest of the season, but Emilia Clarke doesn't appear to be

That wouldn't make sense seeing as we leave off in ADWD with Brienne presumably bringing Jamie to Lady Stoneheart. I don't think it'd be that hard to set up a bunch of Frey's, the audience will hate 'em as long as their last name is established.

I believe Robin was his nickname in the books, so not that much of a change really. Also he is too immature for a name like Robert, let's be honest.

I think one of the most disappointing things is they opted for a final goodbye between Elena and Damon, but not Stefan and Damon. The brotherly love used to be one of the best thing about this show.

So eloquently put unlike most of those obnoxious fangirls on tumblr and twitter. TVD is in danger of losing it's intelligent audience.

She's a pretty bad guardian. Remember when Jeremy moved out of the house to go live in the man cave because there was too much drama at the Salvatores?

Exactly. The handled the death of Alaric so well. I know there are a bunch of Alaric fans on here, but it's just really hard to get excited about him being back when I already said my goodbyes to the character.

But didn't you know their love was forever and ever. Never mind that she probably dated his brother longer.

My thoughts exactly. Elena getting in the car only made things worse, but in some ways I kind have to giggle because it reminds me of all the times that characters on TVD have just nonchalantly been like "it's OK, Bonnie will save us"

I'd love to see Matt work for Sheriff Forbes! I think he could work the police uniform.

Yeah, they sort of destroyed Elena starting about half-way through last season and then it just continued through most of this season. This is part of the reason the only decent episodes this season were when Katherine was around. She's completely lost her independence in order to be some one who just can't get over

Agreed. I was shocked at how much I didn't care that Damon was dying which is pretty much the opposite of how I felt last week when Stefan faux-died. I think it's because they have just overplayed the damn love triangle and I have been getting tired of the on-again off-again between Damon and Elena. At a certain point

Maybe Sarah was driving Grandma style, 10 miles under the speed limit?

The script had to read something like "Cal, tries to play it cool like he's never heard of them before but secretly hiding something.."

I think it got me more than the human color wheel earlier this season.

I had been unsure about Michael Huisman playing Daario Naharis on GoT, but damn if this episode didn't change my mind. Hubba-hubba.

Cheesy romantic indie folk music is the best. It fit with the lumberjack thing they had going on.

Episode 21. That's when I was really sold on the on the show before that it was more of just a guilty pleasure. Also, the majority of the community cannot stand Laurel. The way her character is written and acted. Also Stephen Amell has really improved since the first half of season 1. I think it took him some time to