
Thank you! It really annoys me how other people in the Madmen fandom can't seem to see that his infidelity is a fundamental issue and has nothing to do with his wife or his feelings for her.

I see I see I see. If you don't mind me asking, do you think Don loved Betty when he was married to her? From my point of view, he didn't seem unhappy to be with her.

"really Don, you're STILL that fucking guy?"

Whenever someone in the MM fandom says that they hate Betty because she's a cold, unloving terrible person, I can't help to think that they must have some type of internalized misogyny because it's ridiculous to think that they would have a more negative reaction to her than for Don, Roger, or Pete. Or that they're

You are either a hardcore MM fan or a super analytical person. I hope you don't mind me picking your brain. What kind of love do you think Don and Betty had for each other? Do you think Don's philandering and neglect had anything to do with Betty or how he felt about her?

Makes sense. Could you explain what she meant by," I love it when you look at me this way but then I see it decay." I'm sure those aren't the right words but what do you think she meant by that? Did she think that Don only loved her sometimes?

Especially in this generation where girls are blamed for being sexually assaulted and jocks brag about raping their victims by posting videos of it everywhere. But I do think that if a person is mentally unstable or has a restraining order against them they shouldn't be allowed to have guns.

I gotta disagree. Don hates that he's a cheater. Remember when Bobbie Barret told him about his reputation how ashamed he was? and the look on his face win sally found the stewardess's wings in his suitcase? He struggles with it but he can't help it.

I can't believe how I never thought of that before. What he told Betty about sex not meaning that much to him makes more sense now. Her statement about," the worst way to get to you is to love you" still confuses me though.

I agree. Also, have you noticed that throughout their marriage, they were always physically intimate but never emotionally intimate. I remember in season 1 when Betty told Don that she thinks about having sex with him all day. I wonder if the way Don was in bed is the reason why she put up with so much crap from him.

I actually thought he was falling in love with her. Obviously not enough to leave Betty but if Betty didn't corner him, he would have continued the affair I'm sure.

Don seems to always have affairs with women who are the opposite if who he's with. I don't think it has anything to do with him being unhappy with his main chick. I think it's just variety.

I think it's unfair to say Betty was " Uncaring". She didn't really turn into an awful mother until season 3 but Don has been an awful father since season 1. I think it's lame to give Betty a part in Don's infidelity. Don would cheat on any woman he ends up with. Those mommy issues are deep seeded.

Yeah I think Midge was important to Don. In the commentary, Matt Weiner said that Don cheats because he's looking for a mother in other women. It made sense because it's something Midge caught onto. Remember when she said she liked being his medicine? She realized that he was only with her when he needed emotional

Don calling Betty a child doesn't translate to him not loving/ being happy with her. From my point of view, he kept her that way. Reasons why I'm sure Don loved an way happy with Betty, are due tithe slide in the Wheel episode, the fact that he tried NOT to cheat on her( according to Matt Weriner on the DVD

What you said about Megan makes a lot of sense, but I can't agree with Don not being happy with Betty. Throughout their marriage, his unhappiness seemed to be more fundamental. I don't remember any scene with Betty where he's unhappy with being her husband. He seemed perfectly content. If you don't mind me asking,

Does Don no longer love Megan? I understand that his cheating and neglect have nothing to do with her and it's something he did to Betty too, but unlike in his marriage to Betty, he seems to be unhappy with Megan ( He seemed happily married to Betty imo) and I don't understand why. The scene where she's trying to tell

I don't think Betty and Don should ever be in a relationship together because they are too self destructive. But they should continue sleeping together since they do look so good together and have great chemistry. Plus didn't they love each other on a superficial level anyway? I do kind of miss them together though.