jilly boal

needed to be a better joke.

bad news Shulkie: that would be Donald Trump voting Chuck Yeager.
I know, me too…

now yer talkin'…

Judi's always been gorgeous - the cool haircut, the grainy voice, those pale blue eyes…

he did? Hm. How is it? I avoided it because it looked like it had been neutered into a Mel vehicle.

i read more book reviews than books.
oh, I've wasted my life…

yeah, Martin Campbell directed Green Lantern but he did this and the BBC's Edge of Darkness so he gets a lifetime pass from me.

The blind man at the end was named Nolan too.

the sound mix was very muddy. I saw it in IMAX (highly recommended) so perhaps that didn't help but mostly I think it was: the music (which was the movies biggest flaw); and Nolans preference for muddy sound mix - many scenes in the Batman movies and Interstellar where unintelligible too.
But fantastic movie - and

saw a trailer for this - it made the movie look astonishingly bad, so i guess, honest trailer, for once.

for everyone but Ford. He effed-up Toronto royally and it's going to take years - perhaps decades - to recover. And worst of all? Even after all those scandals, he would have won re-election if he hadn't died first.

Leo is a brave man, but I bet he's afraid of the original.

I just said that line today - in fact, I use that line a lot! What a great movie.

seriously? You missed the street parties? Let me know next time you're in town, I'll organize another one. Happy to.

too bad that two of his best credits - the excellent mid-80's BBC version of Tender is the Night and the awesome 80's Cat People - aren't mentioned in most of his obits.
And yeah, excellent tribute. That Daniel Stern is a good dude.

excellent. I'll grab some American food, save me a spot on the sofa.

ever since Ford died, sure.

can't wait for Captain ****

or the guitar solo on Baker Street. (I know this is a non-guitar solo thread but this gets overlooked even on the guitar solo threads…)

I didn't get the hate for Enterprise. The GWBush-looking dude was a bit much, but I like the show. Voyager was tainted for me by Janaway and the choice of actor. Kate Mulgrew just rubs me the wrong way and the character was painful.
And what made it worse was that they had a much better captain sitting right beside