I've just shocked that the BBC kept the choice of actor secret until today. There where some rumours yesterday but she wasn't on anyones shortlist util then.
I've just shocked that the BBC kept the choice of actor secret until today. There where some rumours yesterday but she wasn't on anyones shortlist util then.
fingers crossed for one "fuckity-bye" in the finale.
actually, I think both Moffat and Capaldi said they had exactly that reaction!
..and villainy.
Matt Smith was a surprise but Capaldi felt right from the announcement. Hey, his last role before Dr. Who was as a WHO doctor! (In WWZ)
honestly, I've been a fan of Capaldi's since Local Hero and I thought he was perfect immediately. Whittaker could be good, but I don't quite see where she can take the part. She could be a Chris eccleston.
1) yes; 2) I'm not sure - I have my doubts actually. Phoebe Waller-Bridge would have been my choice and she would have hit both marks perfectly. Perhaps next time…
is she playing Romana?
(Stand down, marines - it's just a joke. I'm fine with the choice. Though having Romana making a comeback would be awesome)
to be fair, that DOES sound like the name of an English actor who would play Dr. Who.
Come on, Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Come on, Phoebe Waller-Bridge
Come on, Phoebe Waller-Bridge
excuse me: "English Robots"
Also: i loved Eddie Izzard as Voldemort "You are a fish! You, a frog! And you are a… fish-frog!"
oh no - really? C'mon Toho, have a sense of humour…
nice to see that he hasn't cranked up Churchills vocal er eccentricities - too many actors make that mistake. (Yeah, I'm looking at you, John Lithgow)
Timothy Spall is wasted playing Ian Paisley in a meh movie.
his first line ("May the Force of others be with you") was my favourite call-back in the movie, too.
without the Rob Lowe cosmetic surgery.
"Yen played the blind warrior Chirrut Imwe, who, at least from the hopelessly biased place where I’m sitting, walked away with the whole movie."
anyone know who that bearded dude behind her is? Looks very familiar…
the least of that movies problems.
Milton Glazer designed it so I'm going with him: he said it's an abbreviation of "love", just as "N.Y." is an abbreviation of "New York", so its "I love New York".