there's a lot of real cars in F&F but the stunts are almost all CGI.
there's a lot of real cars in F&F but the stunts are almost all CGI.
try both: fast sear on a skillet on a grill, then place them on the rack above the skillet and close the lid. They get grill marks and a sear, and they cook in the oven-like closed grill, and stay moist in the middle.
Throw some onions and mushrooms on the skillet and let the burgers drip on them. So good.
better yes, but more fun?
"round up 100 Brits to don their best U.S. accent"
Nah, no need for 100, just get Matthew Rhys and your job is done.
Cumberbatch's American accent in Dr. Strange is soooo bad. And anyway, who ever said Dr. Strange was American? Benny could have done his own accent, who'd have cared?
And yeah, it's way too House for my ears.
tl;dr The English are dicks.
that clip from Close Encounters - Speilberg really had his David Lean going on, didn't he?
oh, that sounds fine by me… I'd rather have a few "real" stunt drives (i.e. Ronan) than non-stop CGI cack (F&F).
yeah, I was wondering about that…
hey Jay Baruchel, can you pick up some cheese from Global when you're dragging that cute girl through Kensington Market?
ps is this show set in Toronto, or is Toronto once again "AnyCity, USA"?
if it's only in the trailer and not in the movie I'm gonna be so pissed off…
A-, sure sure, that nice. But here's what I really need to know: how much of the stunt driving is real, and not CGI. (I'm looking at you assorted Fasts and Furious's)
i think he does that with all his movies. On the extras for Spaced, they talk about the office walls lined with storyboards, and then writing a script from that.
See also: Miller, George. (Max, Mad. Road, Fury).
Batman hears maniacal laughter in the distance, familiar, but different….
you find this amooosing, Centuwian?
this is going to give Fleabag some great material for her second season.
i'm fined with a Han Solo movie, but Ewan McGregor is sitting right there, looking all dashing an' all….
say it trippingly.
is this like when Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore where snogging at the end of the World Series for some crap movie?
perhaps I'm misremembering, but Col Blakes' goodbye kiss with Hot Lips was one of my show highlights. Quick consult with Hawkeye, "sure, go for it", massive snog. Brilliant.