
This time they promised Dan Gilroy final cut on the title of his own movie?

Podcast, podcaster, podcasting all sound like codewords for Terence Malicking - in the spirit of this column.

Justin Long in Idiocracy > JL in Tusk > Peter Sellers > Adam Driver.

Apparently he's an upstart in the art world, breaking her down to give him the secret behind Daniel Day-Lewis' Retirement.

You would too if inauthenticity killed your wife!

Her mother could've said, writers aren't financially secure, marry rich. Code words are meaningful.

"Nocturnal Animals only appears personal if read with that already in mind."

Sammo Hung and Yuen Bio better show up for some gift bags!

OK, it's still PC to reduce talented men to sex objects through a heavy fe/male gaze, right? Praise be!

Zac Efron's raunchy frat comedies thrive on unbridled, hyper heterosexuality.

The majority of LGBT-themed movies are made outside the studios, by multiple production companies in partnership. Then they sought specialty distributors for release. If award-bait LGBT dramas from last year, took years to finance/cast, then comedies above indie-level budget/release are uncharted territory.

It's an MNC food corp, breeding super sows (from Okja's DNA) for world hunger.

Yep, your last sentence sums up a profoundly human experience. [Something something]-splaining. Apropos for the 80s. As is for now, and many.

Or Tetsuo 2. Numbness followed by…his body wielding a hammer. But no fusion!

Excuse you. Misters Cruise and Clooney do not have paid disinfo agents.

Yeah, CP is less mis-marketed gothic than bad, incoherent gothic. To match the sumptuous visuals, story's ambition seems to be very delicately nuanced atmosphere of a "The Innocents" or upper-end Val Lewton. But the nuts and bolts of interaction, pacing and tone just unfolds like very hammy Masterpiece Theater. Gothic

Villeneuve specifically asked Gyllenhaal to play the two sides of one man (partly modeled on Villeneuve himself!) not too differently, or the differences must be subtle. They are less two separate men Irons played, than a schizoid's id and ego. The subtlety is meant to unnerve as two distinct possibilities for one man

I buy it, only because it's an extremist variation of my family members who swore off the church after losing a child. The prayers didn't work and hope grew into resentment. It was the early stages of grief process, seen from another angle.