
"in a car far away", lol, it was close enough for the journalist without super-senses to see, but Superdupe had to ask that guy about someone "he knew"? lmao, that's hilarious. You must be the most retarded fan of the shitshow called DCEU.
"And very few people know or care about the world's richest." That's another

lmao, you are so retarded. The world's worst journalist doesn't recognize one of the world's most famous billionaires who happens to live in a neighboring city. Superdupe always seems too conflicted to have superpowers, except Lois Lame is involved. A broken Batfleck who've gone full retard and is unable to find out

The DCEU is the greatest insult to every comic fan, DC fan, and movie fan of the world. It is as far from "good", "coherent", and "honoring" as it gets. You can't even pay attention to the first 15 seconds of a trailer, so you don't have to call anyone "blind".
A whiny Superdupe who's the world's worst journalist and a

lol, it's funny that you think of yourself as normal. WB, Snyder, Ayer, Leto and trolls like you are the ones who insult the fans. lmao, "good, coherent story", "honored the characters", you are so full of shit. Kid, you don't know what you're talking about. You are like a Justin Bieber fan who accuses Queen of

"positive social media reaction", lol, from online trolls like yourself, who are either simply in awe because of a bunch of pretty shots and don't need a coherent story that does justice to those characters or simply looking for conflict. I'm sure you belong to the second group, since you have no idea about those