Persona 4 takes forever to start… There's barely any gameplay until the 4 hour mark or so.
Persona 4 takes forever to start… There's barely any gameplay until the 4 hour mark or so.
that's how i ended up playing Persona 4, i bought a ps2 for it in like 2010
Genie, you're free
Thank you for telling it like it is: that Japanese people should shut the fuck up when the white savior is talking.
Actually the Japanese are sexist get your woke stereotypes right.
Personally I think Donald Trump should golf more and "work" less.
This game wasn't made by the same Bioware that made the other ME games, it was made on the cheap by EA Montreal (best known for Wii shovelware and The Sims DLC), a studio EA renamed to "Bioware Montreal" for reasons that are getting increasingly obvious.
"- Why is everyone so shocked an alien planet is alien"
Most of this game was made by EA Montreal (renamed to Bioware Montreal to trick people into thinking it was made by the same Bioware studio that made the other ME games), a studio best known for making Wii shovelware and Sims 3 DLC. The game looking shoddy and cheap is not an accident, EA is cashing in on the…
Wow really? I thought he just picked up the racism last year at the same time he picked up politics as a hobby.
Shame we're going to miss out on hilarious antics like when Bush joked about not finding WMDs after the Iraq invasion killed hundreds of thousands, or when Obama joked about killing American citizens with drones, as the access journalists who helped sell the justifications for both to the public roar with laughter.
The ending of this game was really depressing.
Good for her, maybe she can finally achieve her dream: to racially segregate her children's school.
What does this have to do with Bill Maher?
I must have missed the part where you explained what makes Islam the "most oppressive force in the world", a claim you pulled straight out of your ass.
Maher makes blanket generalizations about a billion people, creates this fantasy of a single islam commanding a hive mind of savage brown followers and bigots of all stripes lap it up like they would a Stormfront crime statistics copy paste.
"Islam is the literal most oppressive force in the world" is a hilariously ignorant view that only someone with a simpleton's understanding of History and politics could hold. For example, someone who thinks Maher knows what he's talking about.
"All muslims are basically ISIS" is not "criticism of ideas". You just want a supposedly rationalist view that validates your bigotry and Maher and white supremacists are only too happy to capitalize.
I would but I doubt you'd be able to focus and understand it since you're so busy sucking Milo's dick.
That's not what Maher does, but I bet if you repeat it to yourself 20 more times it will become true!