I'm more offended by his idiotic comments regarding Chelsea Manning, calling her an "ungrateful traitor" literally 15 minutes after he saw those exact words on Fox News.
I'm more offended by his idiotic comments regarding Chelsea Manning, calling her an "ungrateful traitor" literally 15 minutes after he saw those exact words on Fox News.
I wish the main cast would stop pretending they have better things to be in. I mean really, am I supposed to believe Will Arnett and David Cross are working on projects so important they can't spare a few weeks?
Civil discourse… The nazis' only weakness
My favorite image from the protests is the one with 30 people with their phones out all trying to get a good shot of a single trash can on fire
I'm willing to let the Nazis express themselves, get a platform and get elected but if i see ONE genocide…
Ah, I see somebody is thinking of the nazis
Won't somebody think of the nazis.
Alright maybe cool it with the hand wringing: it's still illegal to go around punching people in the face, nobody is suggesting it should be legal, the guy who did it will go to prison if he gets caught, nothing is getting "normalized", just enjoy the fact that, for once, the assault victim is a literal nazi who…
Thanks but I'm just going to watch the video of the nazi getting punched in the face again
I don't know about that, Green Room was pretty slick but it doesn't do anything special or interesting. The praise it's getting says more about what a shitty movie year 2016 was overall.
Muse - Drones
B.o.B - Bombs Away
Radiohead - Torturing the Whistle Blowers
Tom Waits - I Deported an Unprecedented 2.5 Million People
Luciano Michelini - Frolic
I wonder if Japanese people look at our stereotypical action movies and roll their eyes at our macho muscleman bullshit.
My favorite example of this is when western players got mad that MGS2's protagonist turned out to be Raiden, an effeminate pretty-boy, so they tried to make him more badass in Metal Gear Rising and did this by giving him 3 inch heels, a magnificently sculpted twink ass and Ellen Degeneres' haircut.
That scene isn't played for laughs at all.
Revengeance is an outstanding game even though it's clearly unfinished. It's also one of the few genuinely funny games I've played.
I can't get excited for RDR2, the first game looked pretty but it was a boring Western GTA with the same mission structure of travel 5 minutes, kill a bunch of guys, travel back over and over. I don't understand how anyone on Earth can anticipate a David Cage game either, unless you're looking forward to enjoying it…
By their own admission the people running the drone program have no clue who it is they are killing. You might as well poison random sandwiches and hope the people who eat them turn out to be terrorists and hey, no boots on the ground.
Well it's by PlatinumGames so I'm sure plenty of people were regardless
Good strategy by Microsoft, the XB1 simply has too many great exclusives, and the less it has the more exclusive they are.