
If there was any pop culture that could be regurgitated with a modern spin, it's Archie.

I have the requirement for acceleration!

I played it via the Android release. The graphics were updated and nice, plus I really liked the speed addition that it had so you can rush at 5x the pace, it made grinding a breeze. If I remember though Ozma gets a lot easier with all the nice "mobs" that simply ask for Ore, but that's a long sidequest I didn't feel

"We'll take this movie…but with WOMEN!" seems so gross to me. We love making derivative movies, why not derive some movies from other female-centric sources? Paper Girls and Rat Queens are awesome right now. Especially Rat Queens. Can we have an HBO series on Rat Queens?

I finished up Final Fantasy IX, basically coming to terms that I just don't have the patience to beat Ozma. So I moved on to Final Fantasy Tactics. I loved my PS1 copy and spent hundreds of hours on it, so I'm hoping to stretch it out. I'm gonna take it real slow and don't even plan to get through Chapter 1 before

Completed it a week ago. I can't help but feel Necron and Memoria were part of stuff that was left out due to time constraints. There were hints to Zidane's past and even a little more could have been nice in regards to full plot and such, but I still really enjoyed it.

As long as they take jorts with them as well.

Most, excluding the very Japanese-looking Major from GiTS.

When I think of P3, I think of Aigis, Junpei, and Ryoji. While I love it, a lot of the characters fell to the wayside for me in a way that they didn't in P4.

I can't help but feel like buying used is worse than torrenting.

Replaying Persona 4 at the moment. I've complained in the past about anime bullshit, but it rarely is triggered in this game. This is going to be my first playthrough of the Golden version, so I'm tempted to go bad ending with New Game +. Right now I'm at the King Moron chapter, so I still have a while til that

It feels less like whitewashing and more like what Hollywood has been doing for the past half-decade. Matt Damon is nothing more than China's response to us placing their big name actors into our movies for the sake of more international attention. Still seems forced, but not really whitewashing.

Option 4: A cry for help

I've never played any HORROR horror games, but my closest has to be VtM:Bloodlines. The hotel and the Snuff film quests really drew me in, so obviously there is something there for me in the genre. However I feel at times I'm more drawn in to the macabre as a thematic element than about jump scares and such.

Finally Nintendo gets my demographic!

I hate koalas and their stupid weird noses. You are not cute! You're a hellbeast!

Instead watch Fluke, which is a similar premise but a better execution. I'm not saying it was amazing, but at least the plot was more interesting and the main character wasn't just a dog wanting to please his master. There was actually good motivation behind the characters.

I always crushed on Steve Buscemi as a kid. I dunno why but he was my Mr. Pink, my Garland Green, my hounddog. I dunno why, but he still brightens my day when I see him. I just wanted to be his Enid Coleslaw.

Yeah you can. Just look for spinning heads and puking up sulfur.

It's opossum, you fuckwad!