
Currently replaying Final Fantasy IX on Android. The added mechanics make grinding easy, as I just play silent, grind on the world map at super speed with instakill. I've beaten it so many times on PS1 I don't need to feel the slow grind anymore. I do still try to play normally for storyline though. Allow myself


Oh man, to own the rights to my favorite song would be a dream. I wouldn't even need royalties! I just wanna point to the radio and be like "I own that!". If only it worked like those name a star ripoffs.

These movies just never seemed fun to me when I watched them. It was always a struggly, even from someone who loves the idea of the setting. I could tell Neo and Trinity were having fun in the Matrix, I don't feel that here. Its a universe where the main characters are tired of being there.

I don't know where my Anime Bullshit levels sit at these days. I've been a huge fan of the Persona Series, but the latest Fire Emblem game made me want to stab my 3ds from all the gasping and the blue haired girl singing that horrid song. Really for a genre I originally clinged to for it's loopiness, I tend to reject

If I remember anything from the Burbs, it's that Tom Hanks has a shitty sense o character judgment.

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave

Poor Macklemore

Black Panther buys the greatest high tech gadgets at Circuit City!

My parents kept a "best of 80's" cassette lodged in their car forever, so my broken view of the 90s was less Funky Bunch, more Duran Duran.

I'm more excited for this Victorian-era thriller "The Legend of Springheeled Jack".

I used to like Rob Schneider movies as a kid. Truly those were the dark days.

So when do Cosby or Zimmerman make their Trump visits?

The lore is the selling point to me. It's really deep and fun, like Star Wars! It can also be really asinine and contrived, like Star Wars!

Mankrik's storyline becomes a lot more depressing after you do the "Mankrik's Girlfriend" quest now, so it went from depressing quest to funny meme to depressing again.

Clearly. One faction has the Gnome master race and the other does not.

From what I've heard, the move from March move was because they screened the movie and people were very receptive. March was a safe time to release a movie that may otherwise bomb. Moving it to June shows that they're thinking it's worthy of a Summer Blockbuster.

Clearly her most talented brother. Tito.

Mass Effect, Uncharted, Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft, Bastion, FTL, most Valve games.

I like his big dumb face. He reminds me of a golden retriever.