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    This season was the weakest by far in my opinion and obviously the most expensive. It's a shame, because there is great costume and action happening. There also is, fundamentally, riveting things going on. Ragnar, a man ahead of his time, is ultimately cut off from his comrades for his perspective. Most of the

    I disagree with the review in that i think Ragnar's attitude in general is NOT that he always knew Folki would fail. It is that he tests Floki. If Floki fails, then Ragnars perspective (which allows for Athelstan) is proven true. Basically BY Floki failing Athelstan's "soft" polytheistic stance is legitimized, and

    Kalf claims to have better claim than Lagertha, but this is further from the truth than anything anyone on the show has possibly ever said. him being from the area means nothing in a classically feudal society.

    The post mentions how the problem occurs on an ipad. I've actually used ad block on the ipad as well, but often it will block certain functionality so its not practical.


    Definitely the last 2 episodes have been my least favorite in the series. So far quite disappointing.

    Haha i think I'll take credit for that point, It would have been a nice direction, but alas now that Lagertha is earl AND a fan fave she can't be a complete political dullard.

    Some fair points, however Hirst wouldn't cross the line of history by having Ragnar go back to Lagertha. If Ragnar does see her as a uterus, and he feels entitled to children as gifts from the gods, then that should be made slightly more transparent. Then Ragnar, in his mind, is the force of agency, and any woman is

    She predicts that she will give Ragnar many sons, Sigurds eye issue, and Ivar's leg problem. Granted all her prophecies are related to her children but still, predicting the image of a serpent is pretty spot on.

    The third wife is an option, but none the less i feel there is un-reaped potential in Aslaugs character before shifting onto the next thing.

    I don't know, but this feels like it's continuing the trend of making her dead weight. I hope you're right!

    Then why give her powers of clairvoyance. Why, when in an audience with King Horik in their home, does she give Ragnar advice. When Ragnar speaks to the seer, he basically says they both have qualities.

    The scene with Aslaug isn't retreading new ground. It's less about Ivar than it is for how R and A do not love each other. Personally, I'm not a fan of that the story taking that bend, since it feels like its following the tastes of viewers, since she was never a fan favorite. Secondly, it is dropping the initial

    Troll post is trolling. Your arguments consists of that there are no like-able women on the show (news: there are in fact no like-able characters on the show, just ones you sympathize with). That humor is the antithesis of drama and character development. That a show cannot have a single lead but must balance the main

    I liked this show but at the same time had a huge number of problems with it. Personally I keyed in pretty quickly and sympathized with characters and thats what kept me watching. 
    At the same time i felt the didn't successfully navigate the trenches between drama and comedy.
    Several characters felt really put on— like