Richard DuPont

This. I have a bad feelings that if we get a season 7, it'll be just Jeff, Britta, the Dean, and maybe Chang.

If Alison doesn't come back, then there's no point in having a season 7 (unless it's all new characters). The current group can't afford to lose more main cast members.

You say things like this and then accuse others of being like serial killers. Oh the irony. You display all the signs of a sociopath, buddy. 1- Being casually detached from the rest of the world. 2- Repeatedly citing obscure references and quotes in conversations that have nothing to do with that particular subject.

What an immature response. I sound like a serial killer because I'm a happy and positive person? That's backwards logic. I think you know that and are just too embarrassed to admit what an oddball you are. People like you who hate popular things are the ones who are more likely to turn out to be serial killers. The

Relax. The Joke is on him. As long as people like him keep tuning in, all it does is help the show's ratings.

Terrible according to whom? It has a very high approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes and even cynical fans seem to be warming up to it. But if you dislike the Batman mythos, then there's nothing the show could do to win you over. Oh well. It's the highest rated show of any major network in the key 18-49 male demo, so I'm

Hatecommenting is actually commenting about something you hate. That's not what Winger is doing. Just thought you should know.

Don't bother. These people are beyond help. Trying to play the role of internet police isn't going to stop them from being weirdoes.

I used to be the same way. I would watch shows I hated just so I could complain about them later. It's a way for unhappy people to surround themselves in negativity and then further project their negativity and share it with other miserable people online. The best decision I made was to be a positive person and stop

People with fulfilling lives don't deliberately subject themselves to content they think is below the standards for high quality. It's something primarily reserved for the Mystery science theater crowd.

Yeah, that's not really mentally healthy behavior. Just so you know. But you can do whatever you want. I'm not going to play internet police like Winger. I was just letting you know about my own personal experiences. You'll find life a lot more enjoyable if you actually spend your time watching movies and shows you

I used to be the same way. I would watch shows I hated just so I could complain about them later. It's a way for unhappy people to surround themselves in negativity and then further project their negativity and share it with other miserable people online. The best decision I made was to be a positive person and stop