John Myers

My guess is that money thing is Blaine knowing how to make the blue memory enhancer, he wants to use it to sell premium brain experiences.

I seriously suspect Justin is working Liv and Major for intelligence about the cure on behalf of Filmore Graves. I'd go so far to even guess that his backstory as DJ is made up and that his was assigned to keep an eye on Major, Liv and Ravi from the beginning. After all, from Graves point of view they are the big

I like Blaine and love David Anders as Blaine. But I think it might be time for his arc to come to an end the same way Steven Webber's (who was also great) did. The show is so over-loaded with great scenery-chewing villains and Blaine has double-crossed and bounced back from so many double crosses that it feels like

Saints Row IV made this my official favorite song ever.

Every word above is pure truth and Raylan is truly an amazingly well realized character worhy of all the praise mentioned above. However, the counter is Art Mullins.

Raylan would be my favorite character on Justified hands down, if it wasn't for Art Mullins.

Her? What is she funny or something?

"Sooo…how does it feel getting out of the office?"

I can see that, although ending it on a "A hero…you'll need more than one," would have been pure class as well.

The only thing I like more than Nicholas Cage leaping through the air dual-wielding twin golden handguns is Senor Chang leaping through the air dual-wielding twin golden handguns.

"How old are you Jesse?"
"Let's put it this way, I fought for the The South. We lost."

I feel like if the Wild Bunch counts as an action movie, than Heat definitely does. There's actually a couple of other good sequences besides the bank robbery. The armored car hit at the beginning and the chase at the end are both great.

I think both versions are pretty strong, but I've always made a case that the American Ring is more a remake of Videodrome than Ringu. Ringu is slow build classic ghost story that as other have pointed out uses a fractured family dynamic as it's jumping off point. The Ring is really about watching and seeing something

Along the same lines, when Wendy's enraged pimp comes after Dragon:
"I understand why you're upset, I took your bitch."
(pushes Stuart over to the pimp)
"Here, take my bitch."

One of the reasons I love The Terminator so much is that I have this crazy theory that it's basically a Greek Tragedy.

Or Dustin interrupting the science teach at very key moments in the teacher's life to work on increasingly insane science projects. I would happily watch a dozen seasons of that.

My absolute favorite is the one gang in opening (I can't even remember if they have theme) who clearly have a guy whose job it is carry enough subway tokens for all of them, and then ensure that each member waits his or her turn while he drops one in and then lets them through the turnstile.

Treme also does an amazing job of capturing what it is like to be passionate about anything, art, music, food, history, etc and the slow realization that in the overwhelming tide of indifference and consumerism quality and passion can be overlooked and undervalued.