
My impression is not that Ehrenreich needed an acting coach because he was acting badly, but because he needed help adjusting to the technical shooting style of Lord and Miller…not just improv but less camera coverage, etc

Once would have to presume Kennedy knew the working style of Lord and Miller in advance. And of course she knows how Kasdan does things. So what the fuck did they think was going to happen?

I arrived almost an hour early to one such screening at River East, and there were already about 100 people in line. I still got a good seat but I'd plan on at least an hour early, especially for this movie…the thing I saw was a smaller indie, and this has much more buzz

who said it's all OK now, that it's papered over? Maher will be feeling the fallout from this for some time, and he admitted so on the show (did you actually watch it?). Nobody died here. People were hurt, and I can't tell you not to feel hurt. I can't know what it's like, truly. But even so I don't agree that if

yes. I think he's a blowhard, blustery and pompous at times, for sure, but he also listens and is capable of revising his opinion on new information, and admitting when he's screwed up. he ultimately stands up for many causes liberals generally agree with. yes, he's still kind of an asshole but nowhere near Bill

If you start using the put-down yourself, it loses its power. That's true in high school, and true in the real world. That's why gay people call each other fags. It's empowering to reclaim a word that was once used against you. This is all pretty obvious

he apologized, but that doesn't mean he can't defend and clarify his position on what happened. he also spent long periods just sitting and taking it from Dyson, Ice Cube and Symone Sanders. he didn't run from this, he let most of the episode become a forum to discuss his fuck up. others in his position have denied,

so what is your reaction to people like Chance the Rapper saying, "cancel Bill Maher's show"? as a white person, if he had called someone the N-word, I'd probably agree, but I thought in this context, calling for his removal felt like an overreaction. With Dyson and Ice Cube scolding him, schooling him but

You misunderstand…the comments appear in my feed in marked fashion ("reported as spam") — but those *same* comments are removed from the public discussion so that nobody else can see them. In some cases they were already voted up/down and commented on, but then subsequently removed from the public thread.

When I look at my Disqus feed there are literally dozens of comments that say "reported as spam" in bold letters, which appear in my feed but not in the actual thread of conversation. If I could post a screenshot I would. I assumed it was people who didn't agree with me hitting the "report as inappropriate" option.

yeah I certainly get why he can be off-putting, regardless of your alignment with his opinion. I just think too many liberals get miffed for some reason or another and then take a huge anti-Maher stance when they actually might line up with him most of the time. I hate the "snowflake" crap that conservatives throw our

Thanks for those Pew numbers, I hadn't read them yet and they are enlightening. I don't disagree, and doubt Maher would disagree, that "people of any given faith are, in true democratic societies, perfectly capable
of landing on interpretations of their faith that co-exist with modern
thought." But why can't both

well, this is kind of what I was alluding to. You outlined it — an apparent level of intolerance in the Muslim world that does not quite have an equal, at the moment (though it certainly has in the past in different faiths). I don't know what to do with this information, honestly. I have no animosity toward any Muslim

Well you just made about a dozen inaccurate assumptions about me, based on your own prejudices. Maybe THAT'S why we can't have a dialogue?

"freedom of speech" is a concept, not limited to a government. That was definitely grandiloquent of me though and I should have stated it more specifically to Disqus

I'm just saying, when I post a comment that is against the grain, it gets removed from the discussion and Disqus says "reported as spam." This has literally happened about 20 times. I'm only reporting what's actually happened.

hmm, I don't know what's in Maher's head and you could be right…but I think you might be splitting hairs. Mostly because Maher acknowledged that while he's willing to risk political capital by making unpopular statements, his joke "was not that." He differentiated it as just a dumb mistake. So taking him at his word,

First, thanks for the civil response, I was bracing myself for the worst. I don't know about "needing" him but I think his show is genuinely valuable, and something nobody else offers, even if you dislike Maher. I definitely chafe at some things he says but those same qualities, his live wire, "wildcard" tendencies

by the way, this is assuming anyone actually watched this episode…I'm guessing approx 85% of commenters merely read this article

Pretty much everyone here hates Maher and is not in the most objective of mindsets. But I'm curious what people think about Dyson's assertions that Maher is not at all racist but inadvertently touched a taboo, sensitive area through his comedy; and that despite this, Maher has been calling out systemic racism for many