Polly DeanAnna

When it comes down to it, Lynch really made only one mistake with all this. He failed to ask you exactly how to write and direct .

Green Glove guy was introduced for a reason, I would think.

And a stageplay connected to it! He was in a race against the clock and it took everything he had to get it done before he left us.

Oddly, what we saw in Part 4 is a different take of the same shot from Fire Walk with me. Bowie delivers a slightly different line.

I've read he's really good at getting what he wants, often in one or two takes…which seems crazy…but doesn't surprise me.

Except something did happen in the Big Ed scene. By now you may have heard of Ed's reflection in the glass not matching his movements eating the soup, and his subtle expression change when he realizes it.

Sign says there are over 50,000 people in Twin Peaks. Its possible they lost touch, especially since it appears Jacoby went off the grid since becoming Dr. Amp and is living in a trailer in the woods or something. He had an actual home and office in the series.

You aren't supposed to take notes or keep track of it, though some of the more obsessed do just that. It isn't necessary. Some of the fun is seeing that small details you almost forgot because they made no sense without context become important much later…or not. You've been dropped into this world, much like

Its intentional. The show is edited by a very experienced, award winning editor. Its very precise in its ability to subtly disorient people. What's interesting is some people pick up on it right away, while others don't notice it at all.

She was also indifferent to the fact her husband was raping her daughter, who he eventually murdered along with several other girls…including her niece. Its kind of a pattern for her.

I'm old enough to have actually watched it when it aired, but I agree with everything you wrote. Before watching the return, I binge watched all of the original series and FWWM, any your analysis is dead on. Leland's death marked the end of original story arc and the show was adrift until the finale. It really

I thought Deer Meadow, in Fire Walk With Me was sort of the anti Twin Peaks…a hopelessly bleak place that was an ugly and dark version of everything we saw in the series. I'm wondering if Deer Meadow started out like Twin Peaks but suffered what we are now seeing unfold. Also, along similar lines, now we are seeing

I thought it was just obsessive fan nonsense, but the final scene with Big Ed contains something truly disturbing. His reflection between the two gas pumps in the glass before him is not doing what he's doing. You can see a subtle change in his facial expression when he realizes this. Blow up the image or jack up

Instead of being happy when we finally get Dale back, we are going to be heartbroken by him losing the love of his newfound family.

I haven't seen anyone comment on this…but I distinctly heard short bursts of "electricity" each time the bell rang at the end of the boxing round loop. Something is coming.

I haven't seen anyone comment on this…but I distinctly heard short bursts of "electricity" each time the bell rang at the end of the boxing round loop. Something is coming.

The whole disjointed conversation about the coffee and Gordon mishearing and and asking to see the photo again was code. They were testing Diane. They knew she was up to something.

Its not him but he did play the piano track the actor was pretending to play. You can find a picture of him on Google. They look nothing alike.

Though "Judy" may have originally been conceived as a female character related to Josie, I believe it now is merely a code name for Major Garland Briggs (Judy as in Judy Garland).

It's a bit too on the nose to be of any significance, but the name of the man who ordered the dropping of the atomic bomb was, of course, Harry S. Truman.