
Just a bunch of hunks. So many jokers out there with comments and I can’t have one? Got a cool Kong though. Can’t have everything. Can’t kiss a cool girl and have a cool Kong.
If I had to choose between kissing a cool girl on the lips and having a cool Kong, I would choose a cool Kong cause then I could get the cool

"Soon after Garry Shandling earlier this year at the age of 66, HBO Go announced that Larry Sanders would finally be available for streaming."

I love the show. Guy, god bless him, is an anthropomorphized twinkie doing a better job than Larry the Cable Guy could ever do making the mundane seem fascinating.

When will we get Charles Dance putting on a Bowie wig and re-enacting "Dance Magic Dance." Is that so hard?

I literally can't tell you how happy this video made me.

Sorry to be late to the discussion, but based on Stephen Chow's wildly imaginative set pieces and aesthetics, I think he might be one of the most under the radar and underrated directors out there.
Who else are directors that you don't think they get the credit they deserve?

Time is pretty good, but nothing beats the Duck Guy's realization that nothing makes sense in the food episode.

Thank you , AV Club. This was something that was relevant to my interests.

Hey man, that's no way to talk about the winners of Billboard's top rock song of 2011!