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    It's a bunch of dumbass hazy thinking… "You can sort of draw a line from Green to modern trolls, so he should be totally fine with how shitty they are."

    I don't understand. Green wrote something he thought was funny and ridiculous and they gave him money to make it. Or do you think the poor beleaguered studio didn't read the script before handing over the cash?

    I can't be the only one who was wondering exactly what type of sex act was committed at Cirque du Soleil. Handjob? Blowjob? Donkey Punch? I need to know!

    God that thing reads like it was written by a robot.

    I'm assuming this reviewer has seen it. A lot of critics already have and they're tearing it a new asshole.

    Thing is they don't even seem to like each other all *that* much. In the comics when they say "Until the end of the world" to each other, it resonates because there's a sense they're fated to be together. Here they're just a couple that barely makes sense. It might be more realistic but as the relationship at the

    So since he's barely in this I'm guessing Tatum buys it early? Either that or turns out to be a villain.

    For You Consideration:

    I've always found the whole "fanboy" thing to be a bit perplexing. It seems to be a weird backlash to his directing the Dark Knight trilogy. I mean, lots of directors are beloved but when was the last time you heard anyone complaining about those gosh darn Scorsese fanboys?

    And The Assassination of Jesse James is better than all three. Damn that was a good year.

    Exactly! Though I wish someone had told me there was no such thing as a greencard blowjob.

    "If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them."
    - Jack Handey

    I tried to think of any movie star I think is better than him and nope… Donnie Yen it is.

    It was presented as McManus's little social experiment, so apparently this guy's dream was to have a regular old prison with plastic doors and ten times the amount of murders.

    They did have a subplot where a racist is given a black man's gums so, the highs were HIGH.

    Oh they solve that mystery in the most Oz way possible.

    That is actually the Howie Scream. Even better than the Wilhelm Scream imo.

    I'm pretty sure even Bigfoot Researchers would be all "I dunno… that photo's preeetty blurry."

    Literally every line out of her mouth and her entire suicide note present her as a complete caricature so I'm pretty certain that was the intent. Garth Ennis sort of trucks in outsized caricatures.

    Nah, you can hear the disgust in her "Ew". As Babaa said, she's definitely played as a Heather, she even calls Eugene "the only one who'll do what I say".