
No one escapes the Manitowoc Inquisition!

Kzinti / Navi hybrid with some crazy tail sex toy action, then she'll bite your head off like black widow style.

I want more space cats…in heat

USA got Cinnabon…nuff said

Art concept? (file under: Ai Wei Wei Lego Filibuster)

Don't worry, The Day the Clown Died is finally available.

Am I a trans-lesbian if I like womens?

The scene between Joanna Wellick & Elliot was all kinds of Hannibal-level creepy, like she's Jaws and she smells Elliot's chum.

She of Kotex

More like sneeze rag

This is all that Rally Monkey's doing, invoking the "Socking".

Don't come out until it's over or no dessert for you!

Wow, I'm excited. So what was Lost about again?

They still have Tower Records in Japan. I've been to the Shibuya store.

TWD universe again borrowing from 28 Days Later for the cold open, and the remaining look & tone reminiscent of Right At Your Door. It's a post-post-modern world, make sure to get the head shot.

So is the Red Dragon's voice more Christian Bale Batman or Heath Ledger Joker?

Mine can hurf a Messi

Norwalk got the gullets switched

How about both at the same time? Speedball?

It's enlarging as we speak