
nice save, Felicity, asking a guy who just told you he loves you if he was just hungry.

This episode has its moments, but the confessions(Thea to Laurel, Roy to Thea, Thea to Nessa etc.) make it messy. To quote Felicity, I almost couldn't keep track who knows whose secret identity/secrets any more.
I do like the conversations between Laurel & Nessa, scenes between Thea & Roy etc.
Still don't understand

I can't believe "malcolm merlyn: father of the year" made into this episode.

lol. reminds me of this week's the mindy project.

That I can agree.

they also did not grauduate cuz Kurt's a junior in NYADA at the beginning of season six.

not really. From what I know S6 takes place in autumn 2014(you can see in S06E05 near the end when Sue talks about her plan of getting klaine back together, the calendar shows it's November 2014.)
Also Rachel's Funny Girl premieres in April 2014. They also showed us a calendar in that episode.
So no significant time

This week on glee: Teen marriages are bad bad things. But if you are gay, no worries.