
Huh, now I wonder why it's pronounced "Jay-me" instead of "Hi-me"

Heh "I drink and I know things."

Chapter 2: Electric Baloo?

Personally I don't think the film was as awful as the general consensus has declared it, but it wasn't good. Desperate over-analysis just reinforces that gut reaction.

Even Zod can't escape the ARCTIC POLICE.

Top men.

Year One is better.. Miller's art is fugly at best and in hindsight the politics of the book are just straight up his politics, not some clever commentary. But there's no denying this remains the defining Batman story in a lot of people's minds, especially among comic creators and the hardcore fans.

I did get a chuckle out of the fact they were literally throwing up roadblocks to halt the plot. Add on the irritating cliffhanger and yea definitely the weakest finale they've ever done. Like the review said this episode just tried too hard to manufacture "weight" rather than let it just evolve naturally from the

I'd agree that unless you were a devotee of Clone Wars this episode probably didn't feel earned. (Though the notion of Ezra falling to the dark side has been building throughout Season 2.. and blind master Kanaan is a cool development)

Well eventually millennial nostalgia could fuel a That '70s Show revival?

It took a downright shamefully long time for me to realize what "that red balloon song" was really about.

He seemed to more or less play an extension of the Christian Bale version, which was basically a minor variation on the Michael Keaton version that every live-action Batman save Adam West has imitated. It was a safe play, especially in light of the furor over his casting in the first place, bland perhaps, but no more

Matt Damon as Hush pre-plastic surgery would make for a thoroughly amusing commentary.

My first thought after seeing BvS was "meh."
But my second thought was "I'd rather they make a Batfleck prequel than a Justice League sequel."

Needs more BWOOOOOM!

Went to a matinee, my thoughts:
1) Schindler's List had more levity.
2) I want to see a Batfleck prequel more than a Justice League sequel.
3) If you've cast Jesse Eisenberg in a film that has yet to start shooting, maybe rethink that. I hope he accepts his inevitable Razzie in person.
4) Amusingly the World's Greatest

Eh Cobra, communism.. it's all covered under 'fighting for freedom wherever there's trouble over land and sea and aiiiir!!'

I mean obviously I have to be over 25 to even give a crap about the pre-'Dourman' era. Kids love that Superman is now just Batman with laser eyes!

I wouldn't say it's reached the level of Clone Wars but it's consistently decent and occasionally great. The one with the Mandalorians particularly stood out this season.

Well as laid out by this video I'd say around 8:30 Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009) is where it visibly begins to go off the rails and DC/WB starts actively trying to ruin him.