
Arc had a lot of potential, served up some decent moments, and ultimately fell completely flat. Merlin was never going to live up to the build up, but they could have done a heckuva a lot more with him. Emma was more of the ''Depressed One' than the 'Dark One.' Rebecca Mader was a treat, which evidently was the only

I always thought it was a bit weird that the line Sting enters on was 'the bitter sting of tears'

It's the crowdfunding revolution man! Nowadays a game announcement isn't a big deal. But an announcement that you are yet again begging the public for money so that you can hypothetically make a game announcement? Stop the freaking presses!

Would it help if you just forgot they were Clone Wars characters? The references to the old show have been pretty broad strokes. These characters are absolutely 'Rebels characters' now they just happen to have a backstory that took place on another show.

I wouldn't go so far as say he sucks but the praise he gets seems a bit much. I think if he wanted to Tom Hiddleston could basically steal all Cumberbatch's roles.

Relied a bit much on yet to be released material there. As others have said Hugo Weaving and Sean Bean probably should have been in the top half of this list.

I was pretty choked up over the loss of Roz too… but your tears must've blocked the screen if you then sat through the next 55 minutes and didn't immediately wish it was next week so you could KEEP WATCHING! SHIELD has been knocking it out of the park virtually every week. They didn't even play games with a cheap 'Did

Personally I feel the X-men's problem is the same as the Fantastic Four's (not the Fox movie rights, though I absolutely believe that does have an effect on editorial).

I am absolutely going to tell a coworker next week that I really like this one song. and give "It’s a mystery about dogs and who might have let them out." as the reason.

I'm conflicted. On the one hand David Tennant was amazing. I know many were enamored with the Kingpin's arc in DD, but IMO Kilgrave is easily the most compelling (har har) villain Marvel has served up. The poker scene, the 'Let's Play House' episode, and the final episodes were fantastic.

And probably the only roles for them would be the 'token dinosaur' showing up at the end of every horror movie to eat the killer.

Toss up on which was more masterful, the kazoo-work or the xylophoning.

Well opening against a Pixar film and Rocky VI(a) on Thanksgiving weekend is a kiss of death anyway.

My guess is even Iron Man is in like 50% of the movie at best. It'll be Cap, Falcon, and Bucky for the bulk of the runtime with the rest of the Avengers basically extras… Widow will probably get something meaty, but Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, et al.? A brief explanation of their motivations then onto the fight scenes.

Looks like they've vastly improved on Cap's motivations. In the comic they had to make Iron Man's side do cartoonishly villainous things to justify Cap's side. Obviously we don't have the whole picture but it seems like the inciting incident is that this law would require Cap to hand over his best friend. Giving Cap

Honestly I was surprised so many people thought he was dead in the first place. It was pretty clear the other guy fell on top of him, even in the original episode. Heck it even seemed to surprise the network. Though AMC absolutely ran with it the 'What happened to Glenn?' campaign definitely felt like it was slapped

The flashbacks are integral to the show's structure 5 seasons in, but this arc in particular has them feeling like they are just filling time. I think the story so far would have unfolded better had it been sequential.

Having R.L. Stein be the main character in a Goosebumps film seems aggressively meta. Plus Wes Craven beat them to it in New Nightmare

Hmmm on the one hand I didn't even think Heroes was all that special during the 'good' season. OTOH Chuck Bartowski is in this… decisions, decisions.