
'Joss Whedon stirs up shit' is now a weekly feature I see.

I enjoyed the whole 'going international' aspect of it. The only interesting character was Han, though maybe I think that bc I knew ahead of watching it that none of the others mattered whatsoever to the overall series.

Buddy coerced me to watch the whole franchise right before 7 came out. I had seen the first two (possibly even in theater) but always snobbishly disregarded the whole thing. Definitely missed out on some fun flicks. The clip show they used in the opening credits of 6 really captures what you mean about the sequels

The only problem I had with this episode was that the costume needs a few clearer appearances before my final verdict. First impression was a kind of meh though. I thought it was very thrilling, though maybe a bit rushed to see our heroes patch things up and bring down Kingpin's empire mostly though the law. Matt does

Tough to get a read on what Ward is really after and if he is truly over his obsession with Skye. Which in turn makes it tough to figure if Bakshi's betrayal was him overcoming the mind control or him doing Ward's bidding. Having Ward and Agent 33 go all Bonnie and Clyde is quite enjoyable.

I briefly thought they were incorporating a bit of Typhoid Mary into Karen during the dream sequence. I'm sure it was intended to parallel the later (and only slightly more plausible) scene of Fisk materializing in Ben's apartment, but on first viewing I half bought that it was actually Fisk and that he and Karen had

I love Bobbi the Hottie as much as anyone, but removing her from the ensemble might be spreading the butter too thin IMO, for both shows. What would 'Bobbi Morse: Agent of SHIELD' be doing that we aren't already seeing on the main show?

I definitely thought they were going to go the route of blackmailing Karen to work for Kingpin. When she first started working with Ben he tells her he found some stuff that would make her not look like a credible source and of course in the comics Karen has a rough history (albeit most of it after she finds out Matt

Miss Kitka: Mmmhh… I close my eyes and I dream of savage Kryptonians flying over Metropolis on their brutal mission…mmmhh

I dunno what was more surreal, Captain Pike landing Joan or Lou landing a cartoon.

Looks like history repeats itself. I had given up on Clone Wars mid season 1 too, then I saw the season 2 trailer in all it's Cad Bane glory and became a card carrying fanboy. Now with the promise of Ahsoka, Rex, and Darth Vader himself how can I not go back to Rebels?

I was going to mock it based solely on the 'mildly entertaining at best' Jessica Alba ones… then Freddy from 'House of Cards' showed up. Then the Thing actually looked like the Thing.

I don't think I've ever seen this many comments in reply to one I've made! I think what you are getting at is what I was trying to say in regard to it being a weird choice. As it stands in the show it's like some of the creators put in subtext bait for the sake of subtext bait. Other creators then go out of their way

I cheered out loud when Bronn showed up. I was concerned he'd be largely absent with Tyrion no longer around. I enjoyed the training scenes with him and Jamie so it should be good times.

Well they were able to build a 700 foot high, 300 miles long wall.

Apparently there's a real risk of some god swinging by and bringing it to life.

The hints of Matt & Foggy being more than friends are definitely there and definitely a weird choice. Really the love triangle as whole sticks out as one of, if not the most, poorly handled plots on the show.

Hell yes it was. I like to think there's a universe where all the DC films are just live action adaptations of the scripts they used for animation.

Is it a bad sign my first thought was 'the version who dressed up in a cat suit or the version that was mutated into a humanoid cat?'

Oh and I have to ask, did you guys pick 'Mad Men' over 'Game of Thrones' because you assumed we've all watched the leaked episodes?