
Because it's kind of the iconic interpretation. Yes he was a married adult for pretty much my entire life, but the classic Ditko and Romita runs are still the gold standard. I would argue that the best Spider-Man run of the past 30 years was Bendis and Bagley's run on Ultimate, due in no small part to the character

My tweet would have been about how Bryce Dallas Howard needs to fire her agent… a couple M. Night movies, Gwen Stacey in Spider-Man 3, and now a forgettable theme park executive.

I remember an interview with David Prowse about how he's never gotten any money from 'Return of the Jedi' because it's technically still losing money.

I'm glad they've gone beyond the books for two reasons. 1) Pompous book readers are the worst with their 'I-know-something-you-don't-know' grins. 2) Last season they had to turn the interesting character of 'TV Shae' into the one-note, jealous and petty, 'Book Shae' so as to fit a specific plot point in the books. The

Stellar episode. I've often groaned at the use of 'Everyone' in the past, but this episode made their existence worthwhile. The Thundarr the Barbarian reference was a real treat, the 'A Mok Princess' username was priceless.

I hope you will now forever remember 'Thundarr the Barbarian gives fits to the villains' from the Cartoon Network Rap

Not only are Fitz Simmons outfoxing Bobbi and Mac (again) but the reviewer as well. Their little argument was an act the whole time.

The MGM one had some interesting history but the Walt Disney Pictures one that got linked after had a much better variety.

Even if Whedon is telling the truth that doesn't mean Marvel didn't add one anyway. Remember the stink the director of Thor 2 made when he found out Marvel had the GotG crew film a scene to tack on the end of his movie?

Gotta say the biggest bombshell of the night was that this isn't the only article on AV Club that's filed under 'Richard Nixon'

Simmons takes down Bobbi the Hottie with deliberately distracting technobabble, Xena chucking knives into people, May vs Bobbi, Lola, a Hulk reference, Inhumans, 'The Day SHIELD Fell' flashbacks, Fitz and Simmons kinda patch things up a bit, and actual super power usage.

I'll admit it comes as a surprise that the actor is still alive. I have trouble reconciling that people who were old during my childhood ostensibly still exist.

I agree with him, but passive aggressive rants only lead to #obnoxious trending.

I imagine it was the same situation as the prison and the farm.. they spent a lot of money on the Alexandria set and didn't want to burn it down after 6 episodes. I was expecting a character death, mainly bc of the comics, but it doesn't surprise me that they used some restraint.

Well now I understand why they had Skyfall reset the franchise to the 1962 status quo.

Well I'd have rather they changed 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver' to 'Yesterday Today with John Oliver'

This season stands almost wholly apart from the previous two IMO. With nothing to scheme for other than re-election the show lost a lot of what it was about in the first two seasons. It's like the opposite problem of the first two years where you basically knew the destination and none of the potholes along the way

Technically ascended extra Francine punched the guy, not Abraham. Abe just shoved him up against the pickup.

Could just air it as one of those 'HBO Original Movie' thingies if they wanted. Splitting seasons up AMC style would be awful. 5 episodes a year? Might as well go full 'Sherlock' and space them out every two years at that point.

I mean it happened in an episode that's over a year old. You now have to click on an icon that depicts him on Air Force One just to select the show on Netflix. Spoilers suck, but it's kind of unreasonable to expect them to worry about spoiling something that old.