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    Yeah, there were so many beats taken from the Whisperers storyline in the comic: Rick being led up to a high point to survey the land, an "alpha" dominating a group of dehumanized, silent followers, talking about "a new way of [human] living" after the change, etc. These might be the Whisperers

    This review tries really hard to make bad qualities sound good

    He was mesmerizing

    A more charitable interpretation (charitable to Horace) is that Jenny's comment about "liking it when a man is president" put her severe daddy issues in such strong relief that Horace knew he had to destroy the relationship for her sake ASAP. He had a pang of "this poor girl…" and did his best to free her from her

    Tara does see parallels between the raid on the Saviors and the raid on the prison. That's what she couldn't tell Denise.

    Ropes only unravel when strain is put on them. The zombies had no reason to strain against them until the people showed up.

    Louis' last words to him were something like "Get out of my life, Pete"

    A little after 2 minutes

    When she slipped, there were bullets on the floor. Maybe they…fell out of her gun? Is that something that happens?

    Walkers would walk off if there is a huge herd to follow and no easy meat in the nearby vicinity. Both conditions were met.

    I'd say Daryl is protected by one thing: he has to meet Dwight again (the guy who stole his crossbow) for some kind of "see, you should have come to Alexandria with me" moment. Those two characters aren't done interacting, and we probably won't see Dwight again until after Negan's intro.

    Now that pre-iron Dwight has been introduced, we could get one of two end-of-season introductions to Negan: Bashin' brains with Lucille, or charring Dwight's face. Both events are important and would demonstrate Negan's badassery to the viewers. In the comics, we never saw Dwight without the scars. Now that we