The Archmage of the Æther


are you talking legally, or in the eyes of The North? If they're rejecting the southern rule, it's pretty easy to then ignore inconvenient unconsummated and issueless marriages.

It's not, they all saw her with Ramsay.

Two traits, actually.

the gloves make it so impersonal. Five stars.


For all those going to see the eclipse despite its being a Time of Cursedness for Hindus, it's 100% cool you don't care, and i'd like to announce that the City of Varanasi will happily absorb and redirect all "Good Karma" that y'all are intentionally putting onto the curb and walking away from, by going out of your

Look— as long as there's a DM, GM, Storyteller, anyone at all, you're subject to their whims. Sure, we blame the dice, but we're all True Chaosians.

DM's Choice, dude. Win-win-win for me.

27 x ⅐ = more that the original 3, dude. I'd've' thought that Mirror Universe Trump would have had better math skills.

I'm not sure why you blocked what you did, there. But i'm not judging you.

does that start with an H?

No: "awful" in this sentence is a noun, it's a slang term for a chronically itchy hæmorrhoid that distracts one from mental coherence or any moral sense.

Every Human is born with three Wishes at their disposal. Unfortunately, you (like most Humans) wasted them before you were two or three years old, on milk, or on object-permanence.

"Due to the moon’s slightly tilted orbit, a total solar eclipse occurs at some random point on Earth about every year or two."

to life?

don't butter us up with puns, guy.

I'm immune now, except for lal maans, which uses 54 chilli peppers for each kilo of red meat. For some reason.

He can't bring "your" family into it because he's "your" little brother? Goodness, that's his family too! Those are his sister in laws, his nephews he's maligning, he's allowed!

in certain circumstances.