The Archmage of the Æther

I had sprouted all these eggplants over in Disqus, there wasn’t an option to ‘port them over. Oh well, i guess they’ll be eating Baba Ganouj at Breitbart Disqus this week. Beh.

Nah, it's the punchline of a joke.


are you accusing me of sinister manhandling

"R is for Rats. Biiiiiiig motherfucking Rats. ….with HUGE cocks."

….but then you were Cursed by Flatulairyon "the Daemionic Farte" Siroccoson, Scion of the West Wind, so you still have to make a Wis check to remember to breathe.

—from Raised by 'Vores season 2 episode 3 "No Son of Mine"

i had a girlfriend with a thing for popping the back acne of others who would say 'yes'

You don't get XPs from learning. Your learning is a result of passing XP threshholds.

mmmmm flammable pus

We let you get the first. It's the only way you'd learn.

What i admire about this level of incompetence, is their consistency.

In Soviet Russia, Michael K William cut YOU.

oh no! not more low-budget canadian sci-fi, i will literally die*

You can't insult a Beast.*

yes, but i'm rather mortified that my imaginatory perception is forcing the issue without our expressed consent

* draws from hash pipe; looks at Gel with moonfaced goodwill *

Knight Ninja would be the best Asylum GOT ripoff i could imagine.

of all the absurd reddit theories that ever got a couple of youtube videos, this was the most ridiculous of those, and it was the one to get an AV Club article. Literally superlative.

also, Replicants