The Archmage of the Æther

it's unpleasant.

or, sepsis.


It's just like The Phantom Menace. Everybody knew we were going to end up with Darth Vader but didn't know why the hell were watching a stupid podrace


Or maybe a movie with TWO cops.

It was mostly anticipatory.

Zach rivals Anakin for his Least Pleasant Thing to Watch 'Develop' Award.

Finally, a little support for the hugely neglected genre of youth literature. Maybe we can start seeing some movies now that the stigma is starting to pass away.

Some shows get better over time. Some get worse. This one has had four seasons of Season 1.

i am sure i didn't say a 'whole generation'.

Possibly. Not sure the time period involved. Was this in 1850, 1950 or 2050?

Much easier to just convceive during one eclipse and induce labout at the end of the second trimester. Sun Baby will be way preemie, but totally worth it, for the eight Mithraists, three Surya Tantrika, fourteen Huitzilopoctlans, five Ra-Boys, twenty Atunists, and three hundred thousand German, Norwegian, Romanian and

I'm sorry it sounds like criticism to you. And im sorry if that sounds lie a non-apology, but it'snot criticism, i qualified it explicitly as such, and… i'm sorry that's not enough for you.

That shit only works at Character Creation, which is usually a couple of decades before Character Birth. It's a bit of a retcon, and to flip it (i.e. to have the Eclipse before the Anakin, as it were) always fucks up.

He'd wake up with a Fireball or two in his bed, i reckon

I would never judge an individual as "immature" based on the books they read, but the trend itself is interesting.

I'll joyfully grant you "experimental". And yeh, my argument was way more for books, wasn't it.


a mosquice; my Liberace