Nah, Bronn and Jaime are gonna get captured coming back from Highgarden, there'll be a Dragonstone family reunion.
Nah, Bronn and Jaime are gonna get captured coming back from Highgarden, there'll be a Dragonstone family reunion.
If you have one Dragon patrolling at an hour and a half's flight distance, at 500-1000 meters altitude, they should know everything coming out of King's Landing. You'll at least see their scout ships.
Tyrion's fine when he can use his good heart as well as his brain. Pure brain things, that's not him. You don't see him chilling out playing chess or anything. He plays drinking riddles.
That's how you win while losing. Dying in the narratively-important karmically-resonant way, but gaming a few perks: painless, at home, shit-talking your enemy's son and sister-wife with the truth as you die.
It's almost like the plot is being written purely for dramatic purposes :(
When European palaces aren't being used for film shoots, they're mostly high-end AirBnB's. Rent is posted online,
It is insane. But i swear, go to any Department of Clairvoyance in the country and get some undergrads drunk, almost all of them got into Clairvoyance to be able to stalk ex-lovers through Time and Space. Also, girls' lockers.
When you get unstuck from time, the first thing that you lose are your manners. But you three-dimensional City Monkeys wouldn't understand.
He's been drinking Miracle-Gro® to bush up his eyebrows. Poor Meera Reed, those things weigh ten pounds each, that makes a difference after a thousand miles of draggery.
tbh calling him fish was a cruel quad-amputee joke. No wonder he went Supervillain, right
nah, he's just on Goblin Shift. it makes a man cagey and tremulous.
"Having voters know things interferes with when you tell them things."
…wait, was it you
That 90s British bullshit keeps my antideluvian parents happy at Saturday and Sunday dinners. Every week, dad says "…! I don't think we've seen this one!" and settles in like a contented gopher.
British comedies from the 90s, you only need to see one episode, and you've seen every episode.
10 DIALOG.TXT =" It's pronounced 'Bou-Kay' "
20 GOTO 10
fuck yeah, Murder House! i missed season 3
The Hot Mustard is a McNugget Adornment, of course. The first thing to get adjusted by local popularity. Plus side, You can have a buddy in Texas mail you some overnight.
I miss that limbless bastard