
I think the picture quality is about fine for good analog reception, especially in an area where you don't have to worry about ghosting from multiple building reflections as in dense areas and you might even get line of sight to the transmitter if it's on nearby mountain. With a digital converter box, you *could* get

Let's face it, Hannah relocating to upstate New York is a perfect Crazy Eddie move.

Rarely has karma been so swiftly served.

Isn't this where they are probably going with the notebook in Lucy's handwriting that Flynn has? I.e., at some point she sat down and tried to write as much as she could remember about the original, pre-Hidenburg, timeline in the hopes of restoring it?

Indeed, 1989 Batman didn't spend a lot of time on Batman's "training period," alluding to it via exposition. But in that Batman Begins is more the exception than the rule when it comes to portrayals of old Bats' origins in any media[1], and shows the heavy influence of Miller's "Year One"—which, like "The Dark Knight

Certainly, non-comic book audiences were familiar with Superman and Batman, not least because of their extensive prior use as TV characters, and a few earlier movies. I don't think many non-comic book fans were familiar with The Punisher or The Spawn (and certainly not when it came to international audiences) prior to

Wayne hadn't been Batman for very long at all when the movie opens—remember, the final scene is the police unveiling the Bat signal for the first time, while at the start of the movie they considered him a vigilante, if they believed in him at all (which is where Viki Vale comes in). Early scenes also show Batman

"Unbreakable was something of an oddity in 2000. It was an origin story when non-comic readers were unfamiliar with them. "

Normally firing people takes a lot of work, but I can tell you that, yes, things like this can send you straight to HR (do not pass Go), for a firing.

The actress (Emily Maya Mills) who played Cheryl is a comedic gem — she played the stenographer in the NYT recreation of a ludicrous deposition, and despite not having a line, her reaction shots were hilarious: http://www.nytimes.com/2014…

Lowry is a nice guy — years ago, the Swann house did a space memorabilia auction and I went along with a couple of hundred dollars in the bank hoping to snag some minor piece. Not having participated in an auction before, I was a little uncertain about the bidding process, but Lowry as the auctioneer took the time to