The Pecan Sandies

Yes. The message to showrunners: have zero diversity.

This is why no one who gives even the slightest shit about humanity should meet with him. It's the definition of tilting at windmills.

Eh. One of the two of them is a genius (and his claim to that title just took a HUGE hit). Hint, it isn't the guy who got famous for wielding a knife.

Both OJs.

Cool. Stop watching.

The Electoral College was designed to make sure slave states had equal representation despite being less populous. That's its entire rationale.

This. Times 10,000.

Yep. Worked for O'Reilly and the OB/Gyn he got killed. And to a lesser extent Carly and PP.

Don't you dare give Seth that status.

Exactly who was yearning for Episode 3.5, let alone Episode 3.75? The story has been told. Move on.

Remember when the season at the farm was considered "bad"? I swear the writers the last two seasons are secretly sixth graders and this is some sort of social experiment.

If the grades on this site are relative to the show, this is an "A." And if they aren't, well it's still an "A." I don't always love this show, but this was a great episode of television.

Thanks for your thoughtful response. (I also banned Chikfila). Though every response I got was "ignore your values, he's great", that was to me the minor story here. I mostly just think he's a shitty director so there are two reasons to ignore him.

Wait. People still give money to awful Clint Eastwood by watching his shitty movies? Seriously?

Yeah, if there's one thing everyone agrees upon about Vedder, it's that he's joyless and hates and has no appreciation for the wonders of life.

Except that it defies every single trope the show intentionally employed. To me, at best 5% chance a show built on nostalgia destroys all the good will it built.

Reddit? Thanks. That clears it up.

And he's damn good at it.

Unfortunate you happened to catch the Nye segment, which was by far and away the worst thing that was ever on the show.

Dude, the TPP isn't in the top 100 issues of our times.