Yes they do. When it suits them.
Yes they do. When it suits them.
Now that we know that Meg and the girls are in the same Cult..
Or one of the girls. Most likely Evie.
Who do you think was calling Meg in the car?
I hope everyone realizes now that there never was any "cricket". It was Evie's cell phone ringtone. That's why John couldn't find it. Meg was calling Evie (most likely to tell them to leave that night). Plus her mother, Erika, is also in on it since her phone rang as well after the girls "departed" that night. She was…
Lots of people on many forums speculated they ran away. Their behavior in the car was a pretty clear sign, slingblade.
So the girls ran away to join the GR. Gee, what a shock.
"What has happened is Lindelof has once again returned to one of his favourite dichotomies: reason v faith. He doesn't really explore these, he just sets it up, sits on the fence, then watches the arguments flow." You nailed it. Rod Serling (among others) never disrespected his audience like this. At he least he gave…
What a spoiled, talent-less, brat.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Last week I suggested there should be a drinking game based on Kevin's questions asking everyone what is going on. Combine that with his go-to 'quizzical look' and you've got yourself a guaranteed evening of inebriation.
Comic Book Guy called. He wants his line back.
And now they'll break up in a year.
It's already (kinda) been done. Just substitute Bill Murray with Robin Williams and you're got "The Best of Times" (1986).
I kept imagining his 30's gangster persona with his dialogue in The Ten Commandments: "We're gonna cross the desert, see?" "And Moses is gonna lead us, see?".
Back in 1989 Stalone's script for Rocky V had a very different ending. For those who don't know I'll post a bit of it here. This comes partly from an article written by the late great Gene Siskel. I encourage anyone who's interested to read it. It's very good. And so is this ending that was written (by Stalone),…
But you're right about Super 8.
Unbreakable is not just a good 'superhero' movie. It's a good movie..period. It's a shame that M. Night went off the deep end with Narfs, Scrunts & Tartutics as well as other nonsense. He could have had a terrific franchise with further David Dunn adventures.
He had ONE job. lol
Maybe from now on it will be called "Jump the Dumpster".