But he did mention it in the review. And it's not the first time that show has emphasized 'pay pal' with Nora.
But he did mention it in the review. And it's not the first time that show has emphasized 'pay pal' with Nora.
"the emperor has no clothes ". There is precedent for this. And it is called 'Lost'.
And for a show he supposedly loves and falls over himself with praise, 'Joshua' can't even get the characters or events correct half the time. Last week he apparently stopped watching before the end and this week he's rambling on about Emmy's. And the guy's name if Dr. Brian Goodheart, not "bloodied snake oil…
I just Betcha there's an atm or bank in town that Kevin could have helped him with. The point is that the writers GAVE Matt a nice chunk of change and then promptly forgot about it. It's called bad writing.
I guess Matt doesn't have an ATM card to access that 160K he WON at the casino. I guess he's rather just wack random people for the dough instead..
I think a few hand gliders would also do the trick. lol
It does indeed seem like it is heading into 'Lost' territory. Not a surprise, really. Just a huge disappointment.
I know. They might as well have made the those sticks Light sabers.
He knows about the ways of the force, but still can't make cheese..lol
I actually want the "heavenly choir music" toned down. Enough already.
Exactly. "..overly complicated, half thought out plan.." Ricky's so called 'plan' had so many moving parts and it also had no 'end game'. So, they shuffle twenty miles 'down the road' and then what? So dumb. And unnecessary. Cult leader indeed.
Hell no.
Good point. They also could also use the "Michonne method" of jaw-less / arm-less zombies on a leash,
Matt wasn't driving. He said "Let's get drunk". And his wife said "You get drunk, I'll drive". She was driving when the accident happened.
I'm sorry, but does Ghost Patti really need to watch Kevin shower? Can't he even get a little privacy?
Yes, it's written like he has zero clue that Matt and Nora are siblings. "Nora and the pastor" wtf? How about…"Keven and the young girl who rode in the backseat of his truck while coming into Jarden".
Rick has made really horrible decisions. But letting the Zombies wander free has got to be the worst.
Great plan there, Ricky. What numskull. I wonder how many more people will die as a result of that idiotic decision.
I just think that the stories are really well written and acted. Not a big fan of the werewolf make up, though. He looks like Eddie Munster. Otherwise, it's fantastic. And yes, Eva is quite a presence.