
Rick has not become like Shane.

The should have left the Terminus "cannibal" people / story fizzle and scrap the whole eat-bob's-leg-storm-church-then-dead stuff. I would have loved to see em' show up again, out of the blue, during the hospital exchange, when all hell & confusion could have broken out. There could have been a lot the writers could

I liked Beth. Just as Darryl did. And I was hoping we didn't lose another member of her family like some season (or mid) ending check-this-box. But as soon as I saw her sis get mid episode good news and hope I knew it was over. It was the writers / producers pulling another fast one of "got your hopes up / then

I wish he had. Then maybe the show would have ended sooner and better.

No one's commin'. Nothin'. Oh Beth, there is something in the alphabet called a "G". Please use it. Also, am I the only one who thought the matte paintings of Atlanta looked liked a child made them?

Rick's head tilt when listening to Gareth's "explanation" of how they used to "help people" was perfect. It was as if he was saying "that excuses you from all that you've done?" Judge, Jury & Executioner.

It was before he told them. But even so (and it really doesn't explain it) they continually set up "rules" within this "world"and then break them. Why is a "bite" fatal when they are all infected anyway? Does it really matter how the infection, or whatever it is, gets into your body? If so, infected blood in your

Remember at the farm, when one of the wells had a Walker in it? "Don't drink the water" and all that. But now they just wade into Walker water? Some of that must have gotten in their mouths - especially Bob's. It's like all that walker blood that spurts constantly over everyone in battles - and it never gets in their

There are several books btw. And they are all horribly written.

I never wrote she was a "random" hipster. You did. But she is indeed potrayed as some kind of hipster. Who cares what she's supposed to be? A "genius hacker"? Far from it. And the main evil "Master" looks like some kind of bald Krusty the Clown. The entire show is ludicrous.

Great Movie!! Man, when I watched it the first time, I kept thinking "wow, they're really going down this road..". And it was really well made / directed. Good actors too..Will Patton, David Duchovny and even Mimi (scientolgist) Rogers..

Give me a break. They make bad movies on a regular basis, religious or not, no matter who is in the White House.

Don't worry about it. The Books were just awful..

Good to know the Federal Gov't / Military left saving the city of New
York, the Country & probably the World up to a bunch of half-wits.
And am I the only one who thinks "The Master" looks like a bald version
of Crusty the Clown? Seriously, this show just keeps getting worse and
worse. But then again, The idiot from

I said I was through when some hipster "shut down" the internet. Just not gonna watch this anymore. Done..

Lost: TV's equivalent to a Ponzi scheme.

Manhunter was the best. Michael Mann was just hitting his stride. Loved Cox as Hannibal. But what made that movie great was the focus on the cop and not the criminal. His dogged determination and how the events changed him. Fantastic..

This show has ceased to be entertaining.