Joe B.

I have a friend that I met ten years ago - we were both contract workers for the same project. We have stayed friends and although we rarely see each other, we stay in contact through FB and by phone. I was having a particularly bad day yesterday (I'm one of the worst when it comes to holiday blues) I called her for

Count me in this group too. There were way too many story lines to close and put a bow on…. But that scene between Kerwin and Daniel *driving* through NYC pulled at the heart strings and and explained a lot about Daniel's current state of mind.

This was kind of my feeling. ^^ I watched each week last season, but despite being on Netflix and AMC on demand, I never felt compelled to re-watch it. And after watching the first 1/2 hour last night, I turned it off and went to bed. Then this morning I watched the second half and was pleasantly surprised. And,