
Woody Allen should just remake Entourage

Worst week ever!!

Aww heck… I sure did like that cartoon.

hahahaa… it's true. San Francisco certainly has a lot of homosexuals.

Not really a fan of their music, but I respect the members of Slayer for being open about their devout faith to Christianity.

No wonder journalism is dead. Writers cannot even get their independent film directors correct.

No complaints from me. I'm a red-blooded American with an American thirst for sex.

To be fair, I think most of America gets him and Alexander Payne mixed up

Quiet you! Bonobo, the edge, Larry Mullin Jr. and Adam Clay Two Thousand Pounds are national treasures!

I hate every ape I see
From chimpanACTUNG BABY to chimpanZOOROPA

I was kind of disappointed with factual inconsistencies with Foxcatcher and how they pretty much ignored Du Pont's schizophrenia.

If you want to get elected to public office, all ya gotta do is say "9/11 was bad"

It's a new film called Revenge of the N.E.R.D. It's about a group of hip-hop artists who are being picked on all the time by the jocks. So they decide to take revenge.

Alot of people think Hollywood is populated by creeps. But perverts exist in all professions. When I was in college working at a retail store, I learned a former supervisor is a registered sex offender. I looked up her case and she (yes, she) had her way with some teenage boys.

Love the sinner, hate the sin.

I saw the movie a few years ago. Not my type of humor. But God bless David Hyde Pierce. He's my favorite actor.

Christmas is my favorite time of year. But you won't find a tree in my household. The Bible forbids it.

Glen Edward Rogers confessed to the killings.

Doubtful. He was a long-time Sunday school teacher at his church.