
I was hoping that "Saving Christmas" would be the best film of the year. But after watching it, even I would call that a pile of doody.

Surprisingly, Katherine Heigl was passed up for the lead female role in romantic movie.

I may be in the minority here, but I think "Bossanova" is the best Pixies record.

I came across Freaks and Geeks not so long ago. Not bad. I kind of wish that Millie character was featured more in story lines. She's a good role model for teenagers these days.

Remember to put the Christ back in Christmas.

That's a shame. They should give Craig his own spin off show.

What secular Bob Odenkirk doesn't know is that Church Improv groups are on the rise in America.

Should have done a Staind parody.

Morgan, Mason, Matthew and Modine

Wow, so many ways to see "Dan in Real Life"

You guys wanna do some lines?

or O.J. Simpson arrested to reclaiming his possessions.

Pizza for breakfast!??!

So what's Brian Eno's excuse for being such a sour puss?

Sit Ubu, sit! Good dog.

A man cave? More like a man's grave!

I thought this had to do with the yogurt that makes you poop.

I'm still not convinced John Swartzwelder was a real person.

I was hoping she was going to play Audrey II in the Little Shop of Horrors reboot.

"Olive Garden: Italian food made by Mexicans, eaten by assholes" - Scott Aukerman